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AuthorSeriesTitleProjectAwardsCategoriesYearReviewer▼ Visit
Aaronovitch, BenBen AaronovitchRivers of London #1Rivers of LondonCrime Fiction, Fantasy Fiction2015ToriazREVIEW
Abbey, EdwardEdward AbbeyThe Monkey Wrench GangFiction (General)1975HastyREVIEW
Abe, KōbōKōbō Abe, Kobo Abe, Kimifusa AbeThe Ark SakuraDystopian Fiction, Science Fiction1984bikerbuddyREVIEW
Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem & Waterhouse, AnnaKareem Abdul-Jabbar, Anna WaterhouseMycroft Holmes #1Mycroft HolmesCrime Fiction2011ToriazREVIEW
Acaster, JamesJames AcasterPerfect Sound WhateverNon-Fiction2019NickoHeapREVIEW
Adichie, Chimamanda NgoziChimamanda Ngozi AdichieHalf of a Yellow SunWomen's Prize for Fiction (Orange Prize) 2007, Winner of Winners Women's Prize 2021Historical Fiction, Post-Colonial Fiction2006bikerbuddyREVIEW
Adiga, AravindAravind AdigaThe White TigerBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2008Post-Colonial Fiction, Satirical Fiction2008bikerbuddyREVIEW
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AeschylusRobert FaglesThe OresteiaCity Dionysia in Athens 458 BCEPlay, Mythology1975 (458 BCE)bikerbuddyREVIEW
Alderman, NaomiNaomi AldermanThe PowerWomen's Prize for Fiction 2017Dystopian Fiction, Feminist Fiction2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
Alexander, ToddTodd AlexanderThirty Thousand Bottles of Wine and a Pig Called HelgaMemoir2019ToriazREVIEW
Alharthi, JokhaJokha AlharthiCelestial BodiesBooker Prize ProjectBooker International Prize 2019Post-Colonial Fiction2018bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Allende, IsabelIsabel AllendeA Long Petal of the SeaNational Prize for Literature (Chile) 2010Historical Fiction2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Amis, KingsleyKingsley AmisThe Old DevilsBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1986Fiction (General)1986bikerbuddyREVIEW
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AnonymousDiary Of An Oxygen ThiefFiction (General), Memoir2006NickoHeapREVIEW
Ansari, Aziz & Klinenberg, EricAziz Ansari, Eric KlinenbergModern Romance: An InvestigationNon-Fiction2015NickoHeapREVIEW
AnthologyTales from the PandemicShort Stories, Australian Fiction2022WaywardWomanREVIEW
Anthony, JessicaJessica AnthonyEnter the AardvarkSatirical Fiction2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Arikawa, HiroHiro ArikawaThe Travelling Cat ChroniclesFiction (General)2017ToriazREVIEW
Asher, JayJay AsherTh1rteen R3asons Why13 Reasons Why, Thirteen Reasons WhyAbraham Lincoln Award 2013, South Carolina Young Adult Book Award 2010, Best Books for Young Adults YALSA 2008, California Book Award silver medal – Young Adult 2008Young Adult Fiction2007SeppyREVIEW
Atwood, MargaretMargaret AtwoodAlias GraceGiller Prize 1996Historical Fiction1996ToriazREVIEW
Atwood, MargaretMargaret AtwoodThe Heart Goes LastRed Tentacle Award 2016Dystopian Fiction2015bikerbuddyREVIEW
Atwood, MargaretMargaret AtwoodThe TestamentsBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2019Dystopian Fiction, Feminist Fiction2019bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Austen, JaneJane AustenPride and Prejudice19th Century Fiction, Romance Fiction1813SkepREVIEW
Ayatsuji, YukitoYukito AyatsujiThe Decagon House MurdersCrime Fiction2015 (1997)ToriazREVIEW
Backman, FredrikFredrik BackmanA Man Called OveFiction (General)2012ToriazREVIEW
Bainbridge, BerylBeryl BainbridgeMaster GeorgieBooker Prize ProjectWH Smith Literary Award 1999, Booker Prize (Best of Beryl Bainbridge) 2011Historical Fiction1998bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Ballard, J.G.J.G. Ballard, JG BallardCrashDystopian Fiction1973bikerbuddyREVIEW
Banks, IainIain BanksThe Wasp FactoryBildungsroman1984bikerbuddyREVIEW
Bardugo, LeighLeigh BardugoThe Six of Crows Duology #1Six of CrowsGerman Fantasy Awards 2018, El Premio El Templo de las Mil Puertas 2016, Hea Noorteraamat 2017Fantasy Fiction, Young Adult Fiction2015bikerbuddyREVIEW
Barker, PatPat BarkerThe Regeneration Trilogy #3The Ghost RoadBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1995Historical Fiction1995bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Barker, PatPat BarkerThe Women of Troy Trilogy #1The Silence of the GirlsIndependent Bookshop Award 2019Historical Fiction, Mythology, Feminist Retelling2018bikerbuddyREVIEW
Barker, PatPat BarkerThe Women of Troy Trilogy #2The Women of TroyHistorical Fiction, Mythology, Feminist Retelling2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
Barnes, JimmyJimmy BarnesKilling TimeShort Stories2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Barnes, JimmyJimmy BarnesWorking Class ManAustralian Book Industry Award 2018Memoir2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Barnes, JulianJulian BarnesElizabeth FinchFiction (General)2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
Barnes, JulianJulian BarnesThe Noise of TimeHistorical Fiction2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
Barnes, JulianJulian BarnesThe Sense of an EndingBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2011Fiction (General)2011bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Barry, AvaAva BarryWindhallCrime Fiction2024bikerbuddyREVIEW
Beard, MaryMary BeardSPQR: A History Of RomeNon-Fiction2015bikerbuddyREVIEW
Bedford, JeanJean BedfordSister KateAustralian Fiction, Historical Fiction1982bikerbuddyREVIEW
Beevor, AnthonyAnthony BeevorStalingradSamuel Johnson Prize 1999, Wolfson History Prize 1999, Hawthornden Prize for Literature 1999Non-Fiction1998bikerbuddyREVIEW
Bellairs, GeorgeGeorge BellairsChief Inspector Littlejohn Series #41Surfeit of SuspectsGolden Age of CrimeCrime Fiction1964ToriazREVIEW
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Bennett, AlanAlan BennettThe Uncommon ReaderFiction (General)2008ToriazREVIEW
Berendt, JohnJohn BerendtMidnight in the Garden of Good and EvilBoeke Prize 1995Non-Fiction, True Crime, Now a Major Motion Picture1994ToriazREVIEW
Berger, JohnJohn BergerG.Booker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1972, James Tait Black Memorial Prize 1972Historical Fiction1972bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Berger, JohnJohn BergerWays of SeeingEssays1972bikerbuddyREVIEW
Berkeley, AnthonyFrancis Iles, Anthony BerkeleyThe Poisoned Chocolates CaseGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1929ToriazREVIEW
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Bolton, JohnJohn BoltonThe Room Where it HappenedNon-Fiction, Political, Memoir2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Botton, Alain deAlain de BottonThe Consolations of PhilosophyNon-Fiction2000Bojan the Librarian, bikerbuddyREVIEW
Boye, KarinKarin BoyeKallocainDystopian Fiction, Science Fiction1940bikerbuddyREVIEW
Boyle, T.CoraghessanT. Coraghessan Boyle, Thomas Coraghessan BoyleThe TerranautsDystopian Fiction2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
Boyle, T.CoraghessanT. Coraghessan Boyle, Thomas Coraghessan BoyleThe Tortilla CurtainPrix Médicis Étranger prize (Best Foreign Novel)Fiction (General)1995bikerbuddyREVIEW
Boyle, T.CoraghessanT. Coraghessan Boyle, Thomas Coraghessan BoyleWater MusicHistorical Fiction1993bikerbuddyREVIEW
Bradley, NickNick BradleyThe Cat and the CityFiction (General)2020ToriazREVIEW
Braithwaite, OyinkanOyinkan BraithwaiteMy Sister the Serial KillerLos Angeles Times Book Prize for Best Mystery/Thriller 2019, Amazon Publishing Reader's Award for Best Debut Novel 2019, Anthony Award for Best First Novel 2019, British Book Award for Crime & Thriller Book of the Year 2020Fiction (General)2018ToriazREVIEW
Brierley, SarooSaroo BrierleyLionMemoir, Now a Major Motion Film2018WaywardWomanREVIEW
Brodesser-Akner, TaffyTaffy Brodesser-AknerFleishman is in TroubleFiction (General)2019bikerbuddyREVIEW
Brontë, EmilyBronte, Emily, Emily BronteWuthering Heights19th Century Fiction, Gothic Fiction1847ToriazREVIEW
Brookner, AnitaAnita BrooknerHotel du LacBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1984Fiction (General)1984bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Brooks, KarenKaren BrooksThe Escapades of Tribulation JohnsonAustralian Fiction, Historical Fiction, Feminist Fiction2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
Brooks, KarenKaren BrooksThe Good Wife of BathAustralian Fiction, Historical Fiction, Feminist Fiction2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
Brooks, MaxMax BrooksDevolutionHorror Fiction2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Brooks, MaxMax BrooksThe Zombie Survival GuideAlternative History2004bikerbuddyREVIEW
Browne, John HenryJohn Henry BrowneThe Devil's DefenderMemoir, True Crime2016incessantpainREVIEW
Bryson, BillBill BrysonNotes from a Small IslandTravel Writing1994ToriazREVIEW
Bude, JohnJohn Bude, Ernest ElmoreThe Cornish Coast MurderGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1935ToriazREVIEW
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Bude, JohnJohn Bude, Ernest ElmoreSuperintendent William Meredith #1The Lake District MurderGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1935ToriazREVIEW
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Bude, JohnJohn Bude, Ernest ElmoreSuperintendent William Meredith #2The Sussex Downs MurderGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1936ToriazREVIEW
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Bude, JohnJohn Bude, Ernest ElmoreSuperintendent William Meredith #4Death on the RivieraGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1952ToriazREVIEW
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Bulawayo, NoVioletNoViolet BulawayoGloryPost-Colonial Fiction, Satirical Fiction2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
Bulgakov, MikhailMikhail BulgakovThe Fatal EggsScience Fiction1925bikerbuddyREVIEW
Burnet, Graeme MacraeGraeme Macrae BurnetThe Accident On The A35Crime Fiction2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Burnet, Graeme MacraeGraeme Macrae BurnetCase StudyFiction (General)2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
Burnet, Graeme MacraeGraeme Macrae BurnetThe Disappearance of Adèle BedeauThe Disappearance of Adele BedeauScottish Book Trust New Writer Award 2013Crime Fiction2014bikerbuddyREVIEW
Burnet, Graeme MacraeGraeme Macrae BurnetHis Bloody ProjectCrime Fiction, Historical Fiction2015bikerbuddyREVIEW
Burns, AnnaAnna BurnsMilkmanBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2018, Orwell Prize for Political Fiction 2019, International Dublin Literary Award 2020Fiction (General)2018bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Burroughs, Edgar RiceEdgar Rice BurroughsTarzan of the ApesFiction (General), Adventure Fiction1912bikerbuddyREVIEW
Campos, Ângela,Campos, Angela, Angela CamposAn Oral History of the Portuguese Colonial War: Conscripted GenerationNon-Fiction, Political1907incessantpainREVIEW
Cantero, EdgarEdgar CanteroMeddling KidsCrime Fiction, Horror Fiction2018ToriazREVIEW
Card, Orson ScottOrson Scott CardThe Ender Saga #1Ender's GameEnders GameNebula Award 1985, Hugo Award 1986Science Fiction1985ToriazREVIEW
Carey, EdwardEdward CaryLittleHistorical Fiction2018bikerbuddyREVIEW
Carey, M.R.M.R. Carey, MR CareyThe Girl with all the Gifts Series #2The Boy on the BridgeScience Fiction2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Carey, M.R.M.R. Carey, MR CareyThe Girl with all the Gifts Series #1The Girls with all the GiftsScience Fiction2014bikerbuddy, RavenREVIEW
Carey, PeterPeter CareyA Long way from HomeAustralian Fiction2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Carmon, Irin & Knizhnik, ShanaIrin Carmon, Shana KnizhnikNotorious RBGBiography2015ToriazREVIEW
Carr, John DicksonJohn Dickson CarrGideon Fell Series #1Hag's NookHags NookGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1933ToriazREVIEW
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Carr, John DicksonJohn Dickson CarrGideon Fell Series #6The Hollow ManGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1935ToriazREVIEW
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Carson, RachelRachel CarsonThe Silent SpringThe Schweitzer Medal (Animal Welfare Institute), The Constance Lindsay Skinner Achievement AwardNon-Fiction1962HastyREVIEW
Carter, AngelaAngela CarterThe Bloody ChamberCheltenham Festival Literary Prize 1979Short Stories1979ToriazREVIEW
Casati, CostanzaCostanza CasatiClytemnestraGoldsboro Books Glass Bell Award 2024Historical Fiction, Mythology, Feminist Retelling2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
Catton, EleanorEleanor CattonBirnam WoodThriller Fiction2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
Catton, EleanorEleanor CattonThe RehearsalBetty Trask Award 2009, Adam Prize in Creative Writing 2009Fiction (General)2008ToriazREVIEW
Chabon, MichaelMichael ChabonThe Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and ClayPulitzer Prize for Fiction 2001Historical Fiction2000bikerbuddyREVIEW
Chambers, BeckyBecky ChambersWayfarers #1The Long Way to a Small, Angry PlanetHugo Award for Best Series 2019Science Fiction2014ToriazREVIEW
Chambers, BeckyBecky ChambersWayfarers #2A Closed and Common OrbitHugo Award for Best Series 2019Science Fiction2017ToriazREVIEW
Chandler, RaymondRaymond ChandlerPhilip Marlowe Series #1The Big SleepCrime Fiction, Now A Major Motion Picture1939bikerbuddyREVIEW
Chaucer, GeoffreyGeoffrey ChaucerThe Canterbury TalesPoetry, Short Storiesc1400SkepREVIEW
Chbosky, StephenStephen, ChboskyThe Perks of Being a WallflowerAmerican Library Association Best Books for Young Adults Award 2000, American Library Association Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers Award 2000, American Library Association Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults Award 2002Bildunsroman, Now a Major Motion Picture2000NickoHeapREVIEW
Chernow, RonRob ChernowAlexander HamiltonGeorge Washington Book Prize 2005Biography, Non-Fiction2004bikerbuddyREVIEW
Chevalier, TraceyTracey ChevalierRemarkable CreaturesHistorical Fiction2009ToriazREVIEW
Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieMiss Marple Series #84:50 From PaddingtonGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1957ToriazREVIEW
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Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieAnd Then There Were NoneGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1957ToriazREVIEW
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Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieMiss Marple Series #2The Body in the LibraryGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1942ToriazREVIEW
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Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieCome, Tell Me How You LiveMemoir, Travel Writing1946ToriazREVIEW
Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieDeath Comes as the EndGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction, Historical Fiction1944ToriazREVIEW
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Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieColonel Race Series #1The Man in the Brown SuitGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1924ToriazREVIEW
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Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieMiss Marple Series #3The Moving FingerGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1942ToriazREVIEW
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Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieMiss Marple Series #1The Murder at the VicarageGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1930ToriazREVIEW
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Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieAgatha ChristieMiss Marple Series #5A Murder is AnnouncedGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1950ToriazREVIEW
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Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieHercule Poirot Series #1The Mysterious Affair at StylesGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1920ToriazREVIEW
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Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieHercule Poirot Series #4The Murder of Roger AckroydGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1924ToriazREVIEW
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Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieHercule Poirot Series #22Sad CypressGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1940ToriazREVIEW
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Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieMiss Marple Series #6They Do It With MirrorsGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1952ToriazREVIEW
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Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieTommy and Tuppence Series #2Partners in CrimeGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction, Short Stories1929ToriazREVIEW
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Christie, AgathaAgatha ChristieColonel Race Series #4Sparkling CyanideGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1945ToriazREVIEW
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Clandon, HenriettaHenrietta ClandonInquestGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1933ToriazREVIEW
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Clark, Simon P.Simon P. Clark, Simon P ClarkErenChildren's Fiction2014bikerbuddyREVIEW
Clarke, SusannahSusannah ClarkeThe Ladies of Grace AdieuFantasy Fiction, Alternative History, Short Stories2006ToriazREVIEW
Clarke, SusannaSusanna ClarkePiranesiWomen's Prize for Fiction 2021Fantasy Fiction2006SkepREVIEW
Cline, ErnestErnest ClineReady Player One Series #1Ready Player OneScience Fiction2011bikerbuddyREVIEW
Cline, ErnestErnest ClineReady Player One Series #2Ready Player TwoScience Fiction2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Clinton, Bill & Patterson, JamesBill Clinton, James PattersonThe President is MissingThriller Fiction2018WaywardWomanREVIEW
Coben, HarlanHarlan CobenWilde Series #1The Boy From the WoodsThriller Fiction2020WaywardWomanREVIEW
Coben, HarlanHarlan CobenDon't Let GoDont Let GoCrime Fiction2017WaywardWomanREVIEW
Coben, HarlanHarlan CobenI Will Find YouThriller Fiction2023WaywardWomanREVIEW
Coben, HarlanHarlan CobenWilde Series #2The MatchCrime Fiction, Thriller Fiction2022WaywardWomanREVIEW
Coben, HarlanHarlan CobenRun AwayCrime Fiction, Thriller Fiction2019WaywardWomanREVIEW
Coben, HarlanHarlan CobenMyron Bolitar #12Think TwiceCrime Fiction, Thriller Fiction2024WaywardWomanREVIEW
Coben, HarlanHarlan CobenWinCrime Fiction, Thriller Fiction2021WaywardWomanREVIEW
Coetzee, J.M.J.M. Coetzee, JM CoetzeeLife & Times of Michael KBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1983Alternative History1974bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Coles, Reverend RichardReverend Richard ColesCanon Clement #1Murder Before EvensongCrime Fiction2022ToriazREVIEW
Collins, WilkieWilkie CollinsThe Moonstone19th Century Fiction, Crime Fiction1868bikerbuddyREVIEW
Cooper, SusanSusan CooperThe Dark is Rising Sequence #1Over Sea, Under StoneChildren's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction1965ToriazREVIEW
Cooper, SusanSusan CooperThe Dark is Rising Sequence #2The Dark is RisingNewbery Medal Honor Book 1974Children's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction1973ToriazREVIEW
Cooper, SusanSusan CooperThe Dark is Rising Sequence #3GreenwitchChildren's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction1974ToriazREVIEW
Cooper, SusanSusan CooperThe Dark is Rising Sequence #4The Grey KingJohn Newbery Medal 1976, Tir na n-Og Award 1976Children's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction1975ToriazREVIEW
Cooper, SusanSusan CooperThe Dark is Rising Sequence #5Silver on the TreeTir na n-Og Award 1978Children's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction1977ToriazREVIEW
Cordell, MichaelMichael CordellContemptCrime Fiction, Thriller Fiction2020WaywardWomanREVIEW
Cordell, MichaelMichael CordellOur TrespassesCrime Fiction, Thriller Fiction2021WaywardWomanREVIEW
Cornwell, BernardBernard CornwellSharpe Series #1Sharpe's TigerSharpes TigerHistorical Fiction1997bikerbuddyREVIEW
Cornwell, BernardBernard CornwellSharpe Series #2Sharpe's TriumphSharpes TriumphHistorical Fiction1998bikerbuddyREVIEW
Coventry, DavidDavid CoventryThe Invisible MileHubert Church Award for Fiction 2016Historical Fiction2015ToriazREVIEW
Crane, PamelaPamela CraneA Slow RuinThriller Fiction2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
Croft, Freeman WillsFreeman Wills CroftInspector French Series #1Inspector French's Greatest CaseInspector Frenchs Greatest CaseGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1924ToriazREVIEW
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Dahl, RoaldRoald DahlThe BFGDeutscher Jugendliteraturpreis (Best Children's Book 1985), BILBY Awards 1991Children's Fiction1982ToriazREVIEW
Dalrymple, WilliamWilliam DalrympleThe Anarchy: The Relentless Rise of the East India CompanyArthur Ross Bronze Medal 2020Non-Fiction2019bikerbuddyREVIEW
Daniels, AnnaAnna DanielsGirl In BetweenHumorous Fiction, Romance Fiction2017WaywardWomanREVIEW
Dasai, KiranKiran DesaiThe Inheritance of LossBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2006Post-Colonial Fiction2006bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Davis, Richard HardingRichard Harding DavisIn the FogCrime Fiction1901ToriazREVIEW
deWitt, PatrickPatrick deWittThe Sisters BrothersGovernor General's Literary Award 2011, Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize 2011Fiction (General), Western2011ToriazREVIEW
Dick, Philip K.Philip K. Dick, Philip K DickValisScience Fiction1981bikerbuddyREVIEW
Dickens, CharlesCharles DickensAmerican NotesThe Dickens ProjectTravel Writing, Non-Fiction1842bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Dickens, CharlesCharles DickensBarnaby RudgeThe Dickens Project19th Century Fiction, Historical Fiction1841bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Dickens, CharlesCharles DickensDombey and SonThe Dickens Project19th Century Fiction1848bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Dickens, CharlesCharles DickensMaster Humphrey's ClockMaster Humphreys ClockThe Dickens Project19th Century Fiction, Short Stories1841bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Dickens, CharlesCharles DickensNicholas NicklebyThe Dickens Project19th Century Fiction1839bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Dickens, CharlesCharles DickensThe Old Curiosity ShopThe Dickens Project19th Century Fiction1841bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Dickens, CharlesCharles DickensOliver TwistThe Dickens Project19th Century Fiction1839bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Dickens, CharlesCharles DickensMartin ChuzzlewitThe Dickens Project19th Century Fiction1844bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Dickens, CharlesCharles DickensThe Pickwick PapersThe Dickens Project19th Century Fiction1837bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Dickens, CharlesCharles DickensSketches by BozThe Dickens Project19th Century Fiction,Short Stories1836bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Dine, S.S.VanS.S. Van Dine, SS Van DinePhilo Vance Series #1The Benson Murder CaseGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1926ToriazREVIEW
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Diop, DavidDavid DiopAt Night All Blood is BlackBooker Prize ProjectBooker International Prize 2021Fiction (General)2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Dixon, RubyRuby DixonIce Planet Barbarians Series #1Ice Planet BarbariansScience Fiction, Erotica2015ToriazREVIEW
Do, AnhAnh DoThe Happiest RefugeeAustralian Book of the Year 2011, Independent Booksellers Book of the Year 2011Memoir2010WaywardWomanREVIEW
Doescher, IanIan DoescherWilliam Shakespeare's Star Wars Series #1William Shakespeare's The Phantom of MenaceStar Wars William Shakespeares The Phantom of MenacePlay, Humorous Fiction2015bikerbuddyREVIEW
Dokic, Jelena & Jessica HalloranJelena Dokic, Jessica HalloranUnbreakableAutobiography2017WaywardWomanREVIEW
Donaldson, JuliaJulia DonaldsonTabby McTatChildren's Fiction, Picture Book2012Bojan the LibrarianREVIEW
Doughty, CaitlinCaitlin DoughtyWill My Cat Eat My Eyeballs?Non-Fiction2019ToriazREVIEW
Douglas, John & Olshaker, MarkJohn Douglas, Mark OlshakerMindhunter: Inside the FBI Elite Serial Crime UnitNon-Fiction, True Crime1995bikerbuddyREVIEW
Doyle, Arthur ConanArthur Conan DoyleThe Hound of the BaskervillesGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1902ToriazREVIEW
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Doyle, Arthur ConanArthur Conan DoyleProfessor Challenger Series #1The Lost WorldScience Fiction1912ToriazREVIEW
Doyle, RoddyRoddy DoylePaddy Clarke Ha Ha HaBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1993Bildungsroman1993bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Duffy, MichaelMichael DuffyBella Greaves Series #1The Problem with MurderCrime Fiction, Australian Fiction, Interview2021bikerbuddy, ToriazREVIEW
Duffy, MichaelMichael DuffyBella Greaves Series #2The Strange Death of Paul RuelCrime Fiction, Australian Fiction2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
Duffy, MichaelMichael DuffyBella Greaves Series #3The Man in BlackCrime Fiction, Australian Fiction2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
Duffy, MichaelMichael Duffy, Auden, WH, W.H. Auden, Wystan Auden, Wystan Hugh AudenWystan Hugh Auden, London-Oxford, 1960Michael Duffy Interviews the Great WritersBiography, Non-Fiction, Interview, Poetry2024Michael DuffyAuthor Profile
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Duffy, MichaelMichael Duffy, Chandler, Raymond, Raymond ChandlerRaymond Chandler 1946Michael Duffy Interviews the Great WritersBiography, Non-Fiction, Interview2023Michael DuffyAuthor Profile
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Duffy, MichaelMichael Duffy, Flaubert, Gustave, Gustave FlaubertGustave Flaubert, 1858Michael Duffy Interviews the Great WritersBiography, Non-Fiction, Interview2024Michael DuffyAuthor Profile
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Duffy, MichaelMichael Duffy, Nabokov, Vladimir, Vladimir NabokovA Meeting with Vladimir Nabokov, Switzerland, 1966Michael Duffy Interviews the Great WritersBiography, Non-Fiction, Interview2023Michael DuffyAuthor Profile
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Duffy, MichaelMichael Duffy, Orwell, George, George Orwell, Eric Arthur Blair, Eric BlairGeorge Orwell (Eric Blair) 1946Michael Duffy Interviews the Great WritersBiography, Non-Fiction, Interview2023Michael DuffyAuthor Profile
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Duffy, MichaelMichael Duffy, Stein, Gertrude, Gertrude SteinGertrude Stein, 1937Michael Duffy Interviews the Great WritersBiography, Non-Fiction, Interview2023Michael DuffyAuthor Profile
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Duffy, MichaelMichael Duffy, Stendhal, Marie-Henri Beyle, William HazlittStendhal and William Hazlitt, 1824Michael Duffy Interviews the Great WritersBiography, Non-Fiction, Interview2024Michael DuffyAuthor Profile
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Duffy, MichaelMichael DuffyTall Stories: a lively history of the Blue MountainsNon-Fiction2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
Dumas, AlexandreAlexandre DumasThe Count of Monte CristoThe Count of Monte Cristo ProjectHistorical Fiction1846bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Dumas, AlexandreAlexandre DumasThe Story of a Nutcracker19th Century Fiction,Children's Fiction1844ToriazREVIEW
Eddo-Lodge, ReniReni Eddo-LodgeWhy I'm No Longer Talking To White People About RaceWhy Im No Longer Talking To White People About RaceNon-Fiction2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Edugyan, EsiEsi EdugyanWashington BlackScotiabank Giller Prize 2018Historical Fiction2018bikerbuddyREVIEW
Edwards, MartinMartin EdwardsThe Golden Age of MurderGolden Age of MurderEdgar Award for Best Critical / Biographical Work 2016Non-Fiction2015ToriazREVIEW
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Eggers, DaveDave EggersThe Captain and the GlorySatirical Fiction2019bikerbuddyREVIEW
Eggers, DaveDave EggersThe CircleDystopian Fiction2013bikerbuddyREVIEW
Eliot, GeorgeGeorge Eliot, Mary Ann Evans, Marian Evans, Mary Evans, Mary Anne EvansAdam BedeThe Eliot Project19th Century Fiction, Historical Fiction1859bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Eliot, GeorgeGeorge Eliot, Mary Ann Evans, Marian Evans, Mary Evans, Mary Anne EvansThe Mill on the FlossThe Eliot Project19th Century Fiction, Historical Fiction1860bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Eliot, GeorgeGeorge Eliot, Mary Ann Evans, Marian Evans, Mary Evans, Mary Anne EvansScenes of Clerical LifeThe Eliot Project19th Century Fiction1857bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Eliot, GeorgeGeorge Eliot, Mary Ann Evans, Marian Evans, Mary Evans, Mary Anne EvansSilas MarnerThe Eliot Project19th Century Fiction, Historical Fiction1861bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Ellison, RalphRalph EllisonInvisible ManU.S. National Book Award for Fiction 1953Fiction (General)1952bikerbuddyREVIEW
Elton, BenBen EltonIdentity CrisisCrime Fiction, Satirical Fiction, LGBTQ+2019bikerbuddyREVIEW
Elwes, CaryCary ElwesAs You Wish: Inconceivable Tales from the Making of the Princess BrideMemoir2014ToriazREVIEW
Enright, AnneAnne EnrightThe GatheringBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2007Fiction (General)2007bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Erpenbeck, JennyJenny ErpenbeckKairosBooker Prize ProjectBooker International Prize 2024Historical Fiction2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Eugenides, JeffreyJeffrey EugenidesMiddlesexPulitzer Prize Fiction 2003Bildunsroman, Historical Fiction, LGBTQ+2002bikerbuddyREVIEW
EuripidesPhilip VellacottElectraPlay, Mythology1963 (c415 BCE)bikerbuddyREVIEW
Evans, IlsaIlsa EvansFamily BaggageAustralian Fiction2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
Evans, MazMaz EvansWho Let the Gods Out? #1Who Let the Gods Out?Children's Fiction2017ToriazREVIEW
Evaristo, BernardineBernardine EvaristoGirl, Woman, OtherBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2019Feminist Fiction, LGBTQ+2019bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Everett, PercivalPercival EverettDr. NoPEN Award 2023Thriller Fiction, Satirical Fiction2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
Everett, PercivalPercival EverettJamesHistorical Fiction2024bikerbuddyREVIEW
Everett, PercivalPercival EverettThe TreesAnisfield-Wolf Book Award for Fiction 2022, Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize for Comic Fiction 2022, Clark Fiction Prize 2022, Hurston/Wright Legacy Award 2022Crime Fiction, Satirical Fiction2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
Farrell, HenryHenry FarrellWhat Ever Happened to Baby Jane?Fiction (General), Now a Major Motion Picture1960bikerbuddyREVIEW
Farrell, J.G.J.G. Farrell, JG FarrellEmpire Trilogy #3The Singapore GripHistorical Fiction, Satirical Fiction1978bikerbuddyREVIEW
Fforde, JasperJasper FfordeThe Constant RabbitFantasy Fiction, Satirical Fiction2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Fforde, JasperJasper FfordeEarly RiserKurd Lasswitz Preis, Best Foreign Novel 2019Crime Fiction, Fantasy Fiction2018bikerbuddyREVIEW
Fforde, JasperJasper FfordeShades of Grey #1Shades of GreyDystopian Fiction, Science Fiction2010bikerbuddyREVIEW
Fforde, JasperJasper FfordeShades of Grey #2Red Side StoryDystopian Fiction, Science Fiction2024bikerbuddyREVIEW
Fidler, RichardRichard FidlerGhost EmpireNon-Fiction, Travel Writing2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
Fielding, HelenHelen FieldingBridget Jones #4Bridget Jones's Baby: The DiariesBridget Jones Baby The DiariesBollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize 2017Romance Fiction, Now a Major Motion Picture2016WaywardWomanREVIEW
Fitzgerald, PenelopePenelope FitzgeraldThe BookshopFiction (General)1978bikerbuddyREVIEW
Fitzgerald, PenelopePenelope FitzgeraldOffshoreBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1979Fiction (General)1979bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Project Page
Flanagan, RichardRichard FlanaganFirst PersonFiction (General)2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Flanagan, RichardRichard FlanaganQuestion 7Memoir, Non-Fiction2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
Flanagan, RichardRichard FlanaganWantingWestern Australia Premier's Prize 2008, Queensland Premier's Prize 2009, New Yorker Notable Book of the Year 2009, Washington Post Book of the Year 2009, London Observer Book of the Year 2009Australian Fiction, Historical Fiction2008bikerbuddyREVIEW
Flynn, GillianGillian FlynnThe GrownupEdgar Award for Best Short Story 2015Fiction (General)2020ToriazREVIEW
Foley, LucyLucy FoleyThe Guest ListCrime Fiction, Thriller Fiction2020ToriazREVIEW
Follett, KenKen FollettThe Kingsbridge Novels #3The Evening and the MorningHistorical Fiction2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Ford, ClementineClementine FordFight Like A GirlAustralian Book Industry - Matt Richell Award for New Writer of the Year 2017Non-Fiction2016ToriazREVIEW
Forster, E.M.E.M. Forster, EM ForsterHowards EndFiction (General)1910bikerbuddyREVIEW
Fowles, JohnJohn FowlesThe CollectorFiction (General)1963NickoHeapREVIEW
Fowles, JohnJohn FowlesThe MagusFiction (General)1978NickoHeapREVIEW
Franklin, MilesMiles FranklinMy Brilliant CareerAustralian Fiction1901bikerbuddyREVIEW
Franzen, JonathanJonathan FranzenPurityFiction (General)2015bikerbuddyREVIEW
Freeman, R.AustinR. Austin Freeman, R Austin FreemanDr Thorndyke Series #1The Red Thumb MarkGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1907ToriazREVIEW
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French, DawnDawn FrenchA Tiny Bit MarvellousHumorous Fiction, Satirical Fiction2010WaywardWomanREVIEW
French, DawnDawn FrenchAccording to YesHumorous Fiction, Satirical Fiction2015WaywardWomanREVIEW
French, DawnDawn FrenchOh Dear SylviaHumorous Fiction, Satirical Fiction2012WaywardWomanREVIEW
Fry, StephenStephen FryThe HippopotamusHumorous Fiction, Satirical Fiction1994ToriazREVIEW
Fry, StephenStephen FryMythos Series #1MythosNon-Fiction, Mythology2018bikerbuddyREVIEW
Gaiman, NeilNeil GaimanThe Ocean at the End of the LaneNational Book Awards (British) 2013, Book of the Year Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel 2014Fantasy Fiction, Magic Realism2013ToriazREVIEW
Galgut, DamonDamon GalgutThe PromiseBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2021Fiction (General)2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Garner, AlanAlan GarnerTreacle WalkerChildren's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
Garrett, PeterPeter GarrettBig Blue SkyAutobiography2015bikerbuddyREVIEW
Gibson, WilliamWilliam GibsonJackpot Trilogy #2AgencyScience Fiction,Dystopian Fiction2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Gibson, WilliamWilliam GibsonJackpot Trilogy #1The PeripheralScience Fiction, Dystopian Fiction2014bikerbuddyREVIEW
Gilbert, AnthonyAnthony GilbertDeath in Fancy DressGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1933ToriazREVIEW
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Project Page
Glascow, Katheen & Lawson, LizKathleen Glascow, Liz LawsonThe Agathas Series #1The AgathasCrime Fiction, Young Adult Fiction2022ToriazREVIEW
Goldberg, PaulPaul GolbergThe YidHistorical Fiction2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
Golding, WilliamWilliam GoldingThe PyramidFiction (General)1967bikerbuddyREVIEW
Gordimer, NadineNadine GordimerThe ConservationistBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1974Fiction (General)1974bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Gorey, EdwardEdward GoreyAmphigoreyGraphic Novel1975Bojan the LibrarianREVIEW
Gospodinov, GeorgiGeorgi GospodinovTime ShelterBooker Prize ProjectBooker International Prize 2023Fiction (General), Satirical Fiction2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
Grann, DavidDavid GrannKillers of the Flower MoonEdgar Award 2018Non-Fiction2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Grann, DavidDavid GrannThe Lost City Of ZIndies Choice Book Award 2010Non-Fiction, Now a Major Motion Picture2009bikerbuddyREVIEW
Grann, DavidDavid GrannThe WagerNon-Fiction2023SkepREVIEW
Graves, RobertRobert GravesI,ClauiusI ClaudiusHawthornden Prize, James Tait Black Memorial PrizeHistorical Fiction1934ToriazREVIEW
Graves, RobertRobert GravesThe Siege and Fall of TroyHistorical Fiction, Mythology1962bikerbuddyREVIEW
Green, Anna KatharineAnna Katharine GreenMr Gryce Series #1The Leavenworth CaseGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1878ToriazREVIEW
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Green, JohnJohn GreenTurtles All The Way DownYoung Adult Fiction2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Greenwood, KerryKerry GreenwoodCorinna Chapman Series #7The Spotted DogCrime Fiction2018ToriazREVIEW
Grisham, JohnJohn GrishamThe Boys from BiloxiLegal Thriller2022WaywardWomanREVIEW
Grisham, JohnJohn GrishamCamino Islands Series #1Camino IslandCrime Fiction2017WaywardWomanREVIEW
Grisham, JohnJohn GrishamCamino Islands Series #2Camino WindsCrime Fiction2020WaywardWomanREVIEW
Grisham, JohnJohn GrishamCamino Islands Series #3Camino GhostsCrime Fiction2024WaywardWomanREVIEW
Grisham, JohnJohn GrishamThe ExchangeLegal Thriller2023WaywardWomanREVIEW
Grisham, JohnJohn GrishamThe FirmLegal Thriller1989WaywardWomanREVIEW
Grisham, JohnJohn GrishamThe GuardiansCrime Fiction2019WaywardWomanREVIEW
Grisham, JohnJohn GrishamThe Judge's ListThe Judges ListCrime Fiction, Thriller Fiction2021WaywardWomanREVIEW
Grisham, JohnJohn GrishamSparring PartnersLegal Thriller, Short Stories2022WaywardWomanREVIEW
Grisham, JohnJohn GrishamTheodore Boone Series #7Theodore Boone: The AccompliceYoung Adult Fiction2019WaywardWomanREVIEW
Grisham, JohnJohn GrishamThe ReckoningCrime Fiction2018WaywardWomanREVIEW
Grisham, JohnJohn GrishamThe Rooster BarCrime Fiction2017WaywardWomanREVIEW
Grisham, JohnJohn GrishamSooleyNon-Fiction2021WaywardWomanREVIEW
Grisham, JohnJohn GrishamA Time for MercyCrime Fiction2020WaywardWomanREVIEW
Grossman, DavidDavid GrossmanA Horse Walks into a BarBooker Prize ProjectBooker International Prize 2017Fiction (General)2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Grossman, VasilyVasily GrossmanStalingradHistorical Fiction1954bikerbuddyREVIEW
Haggard, H. RiderH. Rider Haggard, Henry Rider Haggard, Henry Haggard, H Rider HaggardKing Solomon's Mines19th Century Fiction, Adventure Fiction1885bikerbuddyREVIEW
Hamilton, Alexander & Madison, James & Jay JohnAlexander Hamilton, James Madison, John JayThe Federalist PapersThe Federalist ProjectNon-Fiction1789bikerbuddyProject Page
Hamilton, Omar RobertOmar Robert HamiltonThe City Always WinsHistorical Fiction2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Hamid, MohsinMohsin HamidExit WestAspen Words Literary Prize 2018Fiction (General)2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Hamilton, VictoriaVictoria HamiltonMerry Muffin Mystery Series #1Bran New DeathCrime Fiction2013ToriazREVIEW
Hamilton, VictoriaVictoria HamiltonMerry Muffin Mystery Series #2Muffin But MurderCrime Fiction2014ToriazREVIEW
Hamilton, VictoriaVictoria HamiltonMerry Muffin Mystery Series #3Death Of An English MuffinCrime Fiction2015ToriazREVIEW
Hamilton, VictoriaVictoria HamiltonMerry Muffin Mystery Series #4Much Ado About MuffinCrime Fiction2016ToriazREVIEW
Hannah, SophieSophie HannahNew Hercule Poirot Mysteries #2Closed CasketCrime Fiction2016ToriazREVIEW
Hansen, James R.James R. Hansen, James R Hansen, James HansenFirst Man: The Life of Neil A. ArmstrongNon-Fiction, Biography, Now a Major Motion Picture2018bikerbuddyREVIEW
Harding, PaulPaul HardingThis Other EdenHistorical Fiction2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
Hardy, FrankFrank HardyPower Without GloryAustralian Fiction, Historical Fiction1950bikerbuddyREVIEW
Hare, CyrilCyril HareFrancis Pettigrew Series #1Tragedy at LawGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1950ToriazREVIEW
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Harper, JaneJane HarperAaron Falk Series #1The DryBritish Book Award for Crime & Thriller Book of the Year 2018, UK Crime Writer's Association Gold Dagger Award for Best Crime Novel 2017, Australian Book Industry Award for Australian Book of the Year 2017, Indie Book Award for Book of the Year 2017, Barry Award for Best First Novel of 2017Australian Fiction, Crime Fiction2016WaywardWomanREVIEW
Harris, RobertRobert HarrisThe Cicero Trilogy #1ImperiumHistorical Fiction2006ToriazREVIEW
Harris, RobertRobert HarrisThe Cicero Trilogy #2LustrumHistorical Fiction2009ToriazREVIEW
Harris, RobertRobert HarrisV2Historical Fiction2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Hartshorn, DonDon HartshornThe Guilty Die TwiceCrime Fiction2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Harvey, Sam; Harvey, Paul; McLeod, ChrisSam Harvey, Paul Harvey, Chris McLeodKyrgios: The Smash Hits - Nick vs The WorldBiography2022WaywardWomanREVIEW
Harvey, SamanthaSamantha HarveyOrbitalBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2024Fiction (General)2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Hazeley, Jason & Morris, JoelJason Hazeley, Joel MorrisThe Ladybird Book Of The Zombie ApocalypseHumorous Fiction2016ToriazREVIEW
Heminsley, AlexandraAlexandra HeminsleyRunning Like a GirlMemoir2013ToriazREVIEW
Hendrix, GradyGrady HendrixHorrorstörHorrorstor, Horror Store, HorrorstoreHorror Fiction2014ToriazREVIEW
Hollinghurst, AlanAlan HollinghurstThe Line of BeautyBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2004Fiction (General), Historical Fiction, LGBTQ+2004bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Hope, AnthonyAnthony HopeThe Prisoner of ZendaAdventure Fiction1894umbritzerREVIEW
Holt, TomTom HoltJ.W. Wells & Co. Series #4You Don't Have To Be Evil To Work Here But It HelpsYou Dont Have To Be Evil To Work Here But It HelpsFantasy Fiction, Satirical Fiction2006bikerbuddyREVIEW
Honeyman, GailGail HoneymanEleanor Oliphant is Completely FineCosta Debut Novel Award 2017, British Book Awards Debut Book of the Year 2018Fiction (General)2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Horowitz, AnthonyAnthony HorowitzHorowitz's Holmes Series #1The House of SilkCrime Fiction2011ToriazREVIEW
Horowitz, AnthonyAnthony HorowitzHawthorne and Horowitz Mysteries #1The Word is MurderCrime Fiction2017WaywardWoman, ToriazREVIEW
Horowitz, AnthonyAnthony HorowitzHawthorne and Horowitz Mysteries #2The Sentence is DeathCrime Fiction2018ToriazREVIEW
Horowitz, AnthonyAnthony HorowitzHawthorne and Horowitz Mysteries #3A Line to KillCrime Fiction, Mystery2021ToriazREVIEW
Horowitz, AnthonyAnthony HorowitzSusan Ryeland Series #1Magpie MurdersHayakawa Mystery Magazine's Best Mystery 2018Crime Fiction2016ToriazREVIEW
Horspool, DavidDavid HorspoolRichard III: A Ruler and his ReputationNon-Fiction2015bikerbuddyREVIEW
Hulme, KeriKeri HulmeThe Bone PeopleBooker Prize ProjectNew Zealand Book Award for Fiction 1984, Pegasus Prize for Literature 1985, Booker Prize 1985Fiction (General)1984bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Ibsen, HenrikHenrik IbsenGhostsPlay1882bikerbuddyREVIEW
Ike, ReibunIke ReibunDick Fight Island Series #1Dick Fight IslandGraphic Novel, Erotica, LGBTQ+2021ToriazREVIEW
Iles, FrancisFrancis IlesMalice AforethoughtGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1931ToriazREVIEW
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Isenberg, NancyNancy IsenbergFallen Founder: The Life of Aaron BurrOklahoma Book Award 2008Biography, Non-Fiction2007bikerbuddyREVIEW
Ishida, SuiSui IshidaTokyo Ghoul Series #1Tokyo GhoulGraphic Novel, Fantasy Fiction, Horror Fiction2015ToriazREVIEW
Ishiguro, KazuoKazuo IshiguroKlara and the SunScience Fiction2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jackson, ShirleyShirley JacksonThe Haunting of Hill HouseHorror Fiction1959bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jackson, ShirleyShirley JacksonWe Have Always Lived in the CastleFiction (General)1962bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jacobson, HowardHoward JacobsonPussySatirical Fiction2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
James, P.D.P.D. James, PD JamesAn Unsuitable Job for a WomanCrime Fiction1972ToriazREVIEW
James, P.D.P.D. James, PD JamesThe Mistletoe Murder and other storiesCrime Fiction, Short Stories2016WaywardWomanREVIEW
James, P.D.P.D. James, PD JamesSleep No More: Six Murderous TalesCrime Fiction2017WaywardWomanREVIEW
James, PeterPeter JamesRoy Grace Series #14Dead if you Don'tDead if you DontCrime Fiction2018WaywardWomanREVIEW
James, PeterPeter JamesRoy Grace Series #1Dead SimpleCrime Fiction2005ToriazREVIEW
Jansson, ToveTove JanssonThe Moomin Series #1The Moomins and the Great FloodChildren's Fiction1945bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jansson, ToveTove JanssonThe Moomin Series #2Comet in MoominlandChildren's Fiction1946bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jansson, ToveTove JanssonThe Moomin Series #3Finn Family MoomintrollChildren's Fiction1950bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jansson, ToveTove JanssonThe Moomin Series #4The Memoirs of MoominpappaChildren's Fiction1950bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jansson, ToveTove JanssonThe Moomin Series #5Moominsummer MadnessChildren's Fiction1954bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jansson, ToveTive JanssonThe Moomin Series #6Moominland MidwinterChildren's Fiction1957bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jansson, ToveTove JanssonThe Moomin Series #7Tales from MoominvalleyChildren's Fiction1962bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jansson, ToveTove JanssonThe Moomin Series #8Moominpappa at SeaChildren's Fiction1965bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jansson, ToveTove JanssonThe Moomin Series #9Moominvalley in NovemberChildren's Fiction1971bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jansson, ToveTove JanssonThe Book about Moomin, Mymble and Little MyChildren's Fiction, Picture Book1952bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jansson, ToveTove JanssonWho Will Comfort Toffle?Children's Fiction Picture Book1960bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jansson, ToveTove JanssonThe Dangerous JourneyChildren's Fiction Picture Book1977bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jemisin, N.K.N.K. Jemisin, NK Jemisin, Nora Keita JemisinThe Broken Earth #1The Fifth SeasonHugo Award 2016Fantasy Fiction, Science Fiction2015bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jerrold, IantheIanthe JerroldJohn Christmas Series #2Dead Man's QuarryDead Mans QuarryGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1930ToriazREVIEW
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Jerrold, IantheIanthe JerroldJohn Christmas Series #1The Studio CrimeGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1929ToriazREVIEW
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Jiles, PaulettePaulette JilesNews of the WorldHistorical Fiction, Western2016ToriazREVIEW
John, EltonElton JohnMeAutobiography2019WaywardWomanREVIEW
Johnson, W. BolingbrokeW. Bolingbroke Johnson, W Bolingbroke Johnson, Morris Gilbert Bishop, Morris BishopThe Widening StainGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1942ToriazREVIEW
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Johnson, StanleyStanley JohnsonKompяomatKompromatAlternative History, Satirical Fiction2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jolley, ElizabethElixabeth JolleyThe Orchard ThievesAustralian Fiction1995bikerbuddyREVIEW
Jonasson, JonasJonas JonassonHitman Anders and the Meaning of it AllFiction (General)2015ToriazREVIEW
Jones, Lesley-AnnLesley-Ann JonesBohemian Rhapsody: The Definitive Biography of Freddie MercuryBiography2011WaywardWomanREVIEW
Jones, Patrick & Ulman, MegPatrick Jones & Meg UlmanThe Art of Free Travel: A Frugal Family AdventureTravel Writing2015Bojan the LibrarianREVIEW
Joyce, RachelRachel JoyceHarold Fry Series #1The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold FryFiction (General)2012bikerbuddyREVIEW
Juster, NortonNorton JusterThe Phantom TollboothChildren's Fiction1961bikerbuddyREVIEW
Kafka, FranzFranz KafkaThe MetamorphosisFiction (General)1915umbritzerREVIEW
Karunatilaka, ShehanShehan KarunatilakaThe Seven Moons of Maali AlmeidaBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2022Historical Fiction, Crime Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Satirical Fiction2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Kawaguchi, ToshikazuToshikazu KawaguchiBefore the Coffee Gets Cold Series #1Before the Coffee Gets ColdFiction (General), Magic Realism2019ToriazREVIEW
Kawakami, HiromiHiromi KawakamiPeople From My NeighbourhoodShort Stories, Magic Realism2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Keegan, ClaireClaire KeeganSmall Things Like TheseOrwell Prize for Political Fiction 2022 Fiction (General)2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
Keneally, ThomasThomas KeneallySchindler's ArkSchindlers ArkBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1982, Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Fiction 1983Historical Fiction, Australian Fiction, Now a Major Motion Picture1982bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Kent, HannahHannah KentBurial RitesPrix Critiqueslibres Découvrir Étranger 2017, ABIA Literary Fiction Book of the Year 2014, Davitt Awards Best Debut Novel 2014, FAW Christina Stead Award 2013, Indie Awards Debut Fiction of the Year 2014, Victorian Premier’s Literary Award People’s Choice Award 2014Historical Fiction, Australian Fiction2013bikerbuddyREVIEW
King, StephenStephen KingCujoBritish Fantasy Award 1982Thriller Fiction, Horror Fiction1981bikerbuddyREVIEW
King, StephenStephen KingThe Dark Tower Series #1The GunslingerFantasy Fiction, Western1982bikerbuddyREVIEW
King, StephenStephen KingThe Dark Tower Series #2The Drawing of ThreeFantasy Fiction, Western1987bikerbuddyREVIEW
King, StephenStephen KingThe Dark Tower Series #3The Waste LandsFantasy Fiction, Western1991bikerbuddyREVIEW
King, StephenStephen KingThe Dark Tower Series #4Wizard and GlassFantasy Fiction, Western1997bikerbuddyREVIEW
King, StephenStephen KingThe Dark Tower Series #5Wolves of CallaFantasy Fiction, Western2003bikerbuddyREVIEW
King, StephenStephen KingThe Dark Tower Series #6Song of SusannahFantasy Fiction, Western2004bikerbuddyREVIEW
King, StephenStephen KingThe Dark Tower Series #7The Dark TowerDeutscher Phantastik Preis Award 2005, August Derleth Award 2005Fantasy Fiction, Western2004bikerbuddyREVIEW
King, StephenStephen KingOn WritingMemoir, Non-Fiction2000umbritzerREVIEW
Kingsnorth, PaulPaul KingsnorthBeastFiction (General)2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
Kingsolver, BarbaraBarbara KingsolverThe Poisonwood BibleBoeke Prize 2000Post-Colonial Fiction1998bikerbuddyREVIEW
Kling, Marc-UweMarc-Uwe KlingQualityLandGerman Science Fiction Award 2018Dystopian Fiction2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Klune, T.J.T.J. Klune, TJ KluneThe House in the Cerulean SeaAlex Award 2021, RUSA Reading List: Fantasy Winner 2021Fantasy Fiction2020ToriazREVIEW
Knox, ElizabethElizabeth KnoxThe Absolute BookFantasy Fiction2019ToriazREVIEW
Knox, RonaldRonald KnoxMiles Bredon #1The Three TapsGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1927ToriazREVIEW
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Kostova, ElizabethElizabeth KostovaThe Shadow LandCrime Fiction, Historical Fiction2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Krabbé, TimKrabbe, Tim, Tim KrabbeThe RiderFiction (General)1978bikerbuddyREVIEW
Kuang, R.F.Rebecca F. Kuang, Rebecca Kuang, R.F. Kuang, RF KuangBabel or The Necessity of ViolenceNebula Award Best Novel 2022Fantasy Fiction, Alternative History, Dark Academia, Post-Colonial Fiction2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
Kuang, Rebecca F.Rebecca F. Kuang, Rebecca Kuang, R.F. Kuang, RF KuangYellowfaceFiction (General)2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
Kukafka, DanyaDanya KukafkaGirl in SnowFiction (General)2017WaywardWomanREVIEW
Kushner, RachelRachel KushnerCreation LakeSpy Thriller2024bikerbuddyREVIEW
Kwaymullina, Ambelin & Kwaymullina, EzekielAmbelin Kwaymullina, Ezekiel KwaymullinaCatching Teller CrowVictorian Premier's Literary Awards (Young Adults) 2019, Aurealis Awards (Best Young Adult Novel) 2018Young Adult Fiction, Crime Fiction, Australian Fiction2018ToriazREVIEW
La Plante, LyndaLynda La PlanteJane Tennison Series #6Blunt ForceCrime Fiction2020WaywardWomanREVIEW
Leal, SuzanneSuzanne LealThe Teacher's SecretThe Teachers SecretFiction (General)2016WaywardWomanREVIEW
le Carré, Johnle Carre, John, John le CarreKarla Trilogy #1Tinker Tailor Soldier SpySpy Thriller, Crime Fiction1974bikerbuddyREVIEW
Lee, MackenzieMackenzie LeeMontague Siblings Series #1The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and VirtueThe Gentlemans Guide to Vice and VirtueStonewall Book Awards - Mike Morgan & Larry Romans Children's & Young Adult Literature AwardYoung Adult Fiction, Historical Fiction2017ToriazREVIEW
L'Engle, MadeleineMadeleine L'EngleTime Quintet #1A Wrinkle in TimeNewbery Medal 1962, Sequoyah Children's Book Award 1965, Lewis Carroll Shelf Award 1965Children's Fiction1962bikerbuddyREVIEW
Lewis, MatthewMatthew LewisThe MonkGothic Fiction1796bikerbuddyREVIEW
Lewis, SinclairSinclair LewisIt Can't Happen HereIt Cant Happen HereDystopian Fiction, Alternative History, Satirical Fiction1935bikerbuddyREVIEW
Liu, CixinCixin LiuThe Remembrance of Earth's Past Trilogy #1The Three-Body ProblemHugo Award 2015Science Fiction2008 (2014)bikerbuddyREVIEW
Liu, CixinCixin LiuThe Remembrance of Earth's Past Trilogy #2The Dark ForestScience Fiction2008 (2015)bikerbuddyREVIEW
Liu, CixinCixin LiuThe Remembrance of Earth's Past Trilogy #3Death's EndDeaths EndScience Fiction2010 (2016)bikerbuddyREVIEW
Liu, CixinCixin LiuThe Supernova EraScience Fiction2004 (2019)bikerbuddyREVIEW
Lively, PenelopePenelope LivelyMoon TigerBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1987Fiction (General)1987bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Lodge, DavidDavid LodgeGinger, You're BarmyGinger Youre Barmy, Ginger Your BarmyFiction (General)1962bikerbuddyREVIEW
Lorac, E.R.C.,E.R.C. Lorac, ERC Lorac, Edith Caroline Rivett, Carol Carnac, Carol Rivett, Mary Le BourneRobert McDonald #40Shroud of DarknessGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1954ToriazREVIEW
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Lord, EmeryEmery LordWhen We CollidedSchneider Family Book Award 2017Young Adult Fiction2016WaywardWomanREVIEW
Lovelace, Delos W.Delos W. Lovelace, Delos W Lovelace, Delos Lovelace, Edgar Wallace, Merian C. Cooper, James Creelman, Ruth Rose, Willis O'BrienKing KongAdventure Fiction, Now a Major Motion Film1932bikerbuddyREVIEW
Lövestam, SaraLovestam, Sara, Sara LovestamWonderful Feels Like ThisYoung Adult Fiction2013WaywardWomanREVIEW
Lowe, AliAli LoweThe School RunAustralian Fiction, Crime Fiction2024WaywardWomanREVIEW
Lynch, PaulPaul LynchProphet SongBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2023Dystopian Fiction, Alternative History2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
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McBride, JamesJames McBrideDeacon King KingThurber Prize for American Humor 2021Fiction (General)2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
McBride, JamesJames McBrideThe Good Lord BirdNational Book Award for Fiction 2013Historical Fiction2013bikerbuddyREVIEW
McCarthy, CormacCormac McCarthyThe Border Trilogy #1All the Pretty HorsesNational Book Award for Fiction 1992, National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction 1992Western, Historical Fiction1992bikerbuddyREVIEW
McCarthy, CormacCormac McCarthyChild of GodCrime Fiction, Thriller Fiction1973bikerbuddyREVIEW
McCarthy, CormacCormac McCarthyThe PassengerFiction (General)2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
McCarthy, CormacCormac McCarthyStella MarisFiction (General)2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
McCullough, ColleenColleen McCulloughMorgan's RunAustralian Fiction, Historical Fiction2000bikerbuddyREVIEW
MacDonald, HelenHelen McDonaldH is for HawkSamuel Johnson Prize 2014, Costa Book of the Year 2014, Prix du Meilleur Livre Étranger 2016Memoir2014ToriazREVIEW
McDonnell, C.K.C.K. MsDonnell, CK McDonnellThe Stranger Times Series #1The Stranger TimesCrime Fiction, Fantasy Fiction2021ToriazREVIEW
McDougall, ChristopherChristopher McDougallBorn to RunNon-Fiction2009ToriazREVIEW
McEwan, IanIan McEwanThe CockroachSatirical Fiction2019bikerbuddyREVIEW
McEwan, IanIan McEwanMachines Like MeScience Fiction, Alternative History2019bikerbuddyREVIEW
McEwan, IanIan McEwanNutshellCrime Fiction2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
McEwan, IanIan McEwanOn Chesil BeachFiction (General)2007bikerbuddyREVIEW
McGillion, ChrisChris McGillianEast Timor Crime Series #1The Crocodile's KillAustralian Fiction, Crime Fiction2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
McGillion, ChrisChris McGillianEast Timor Crime Series #2The Sand Digger's SkullAustralian Fiction, Crime Fiction2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
McGillion, ChrisChris McGillianEast Timor Crime Series #3The Coffin Maker's ApprenticeAustralian Fiction, Crime Fiction2024bikerbuddyREVIEW
McGuire, IanIan McGuireNorth WaterHistorical Fiction2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
MacLeod, CharlotteCharlotte MacLeodPeter Shandy #1Rest You MerryGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1978ToriazREVIEW
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McManus, KarenKaren McManusOne of Us is Lying Series #1One of Us is LyingCrime Fiction, Young Adult Fiction2017ToriazREVIEW
McManus, SallySally McManusOn FairnessPolitical2019WaywardWomanREVIEW
McTiernan, DervlaDervla McTiernanCormac Reilly Series #1The RúinThe RuinNed Kelly Award Best Debut Fiction 2019, Davitt Award for Best Adult Fiction 2019, Barry Award for Best Original Paperback 2019Australian Fiction, Crime Fiction2018ToriazREVIEW
Marston, EdwardEdward Marston, Keith MilesThe Domesday Series #1The Wolves of SavernakeCrime Fiction, Historical Fiction1993bikerbuddyREVIEW
Masterman, J.C.J.C. Masterman, JC MastermanAn Oxford TragedyGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1933ToriazREVIEW
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Majumdar, MeghaMegha MajumdarA BurningFiction (General), LGBTQ+2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Manansala, Mia P.Mia P. Manansala, Mia P ManansalaTita Rosie's Kitchen Mystery Series #1Arsenic and AdoboAnthony Award Best First Novel 2022Crime Fiction2021ToriazREVIEW
Mantel, HilaryHilary MantelThe Wolf Hall Trilogy #2Bring Up the BodiesBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2012Historical Fiction2012bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Project Page
Mantel, HilaryHilary MantelThe Wolf Hall Trilogy #3The Mirror and the LightHistorical Fiction2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Mantel, HilaryHilary MantelThe Wolf Hall Trilogy #1Wolf HallBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2009Historical Fiction2009bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Mason, MegMeg MasonYou Be MotherFiction (General)2017WaywardWomanREVIEW
Melo, FilipeFilipe MeloBallad for SophieGraphic Novel2022Bojan the LibrarianREVIEW
Mengiste, MaazaMaaza MengisteThe Shadow KingHistorical Fiction2019bikerbuddyREVIEW
Michaelides, AlexAlex MichaelidesThe MaidensCrime Fiction, Thriller Fiction, Dark Academia2021ToriazREVIEW
Michaels, AnneAnne MichaelsHeldGiller Prize 2024Fiction (General)2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
Middleton, StanleyStanley MiddletonHolidayBooker Prize ProjectBooker PrizeFiction (General)1974bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Miller, MadelineMadeline MillerThe Song of AchillesWomen's Prize for Fiction 2012Historical Fiction, Mythology, Feminist Retelling2011bikerbuddyREVIEW
Mills, MagnusMagnus MillsThe Forensic Records SocietyFiction (General)2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Milne, A.A.A.A. Milne, AA MilneThe Red House MysteryGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1922ToriazREVIEW
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Project Page
Mitchell, DavidDavid MitchellThe Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet Commonwealth Writers' Prize (South Asia and Europe) 2011Historical Fiction2010bikerbuddyREVIEW
Mohamed, NadifaNadifa MohamedThe Fortune MenHistorical Fiction, Post-Colonial Fiction2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
Montefiore, Simon SebagSimon Sebag MontefioreStalin: The Court of the Red TsarBritish Book Awards History Book of the Year 2004Non-Fiction, Biography2003bikerbuddyREVIEW
Moore, Alan & Bollard, BrianAlan Moore, Brian BollardBatman: The Killing JokeEisner Award Best Graphic Novel 1988Graphic Novel1988bikerbuddyREVIEW
Moore, Alan & Lloyd, DavidAlan Moore, David lloydV for VendettaGraphic Novel2008ToriazREVIEW
Moreci, Michael & Gooden, Nathan C.Michael Moreci, Nathan C. Gooden, Nathan C GoodenMurderable Offences #1BarbaricGraphic Novel2021Bojan the LibrarianREVIEW
Morena-Garcia, SilviaSilvia Morena-GarciaMexican GothicAugust Derleth Award Best Horror Novel 2021Horror Fiction2020ToriazREVIEW
Morgenstern, ErinErin MorgensternThe Night CircusAmerican Library Association Alex Award 2012Fantasy Fiction2011ToriazREVIEW
Morgenstern, ErinErin MorgensternThe Starless SeaDragon award Best Fantasy Novel 2020Fantasy Fiction2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Morrison, ToniToni MorrisonBelovedPulitzer Prize 1988Historical Fiction, Magic Realism1987bikerbuddyREVIEW
Morton, KateKate MortonThe Clockmaker's DaughterThe Clockmakers DaughterAustralian Fiction, Historical Fiction2017ToriazREVIEW
Mottley, LeilaLeila MottleyNightcrawlingFiction (General)2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
Mozley, FionaFiona MozleyElmetSomerset Maugham Award 2018, Polari Prize 2018Fiction (General)2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Murakami, HarukiHaruki MurakamiAfter DarkMagic Realism2004ToriazREVIEW
Murakami, HarukiHaruki MurakamiThe City and its Uncertain WallsMagic Realism2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
Murakami, HarukiHaruki MurakamiMen Without WomenShort Stories2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Murakami, HarukiHaruki MurakamiSouth Of The Border, West Of The SunFiction (General)1992bikerbuddyREVIEW
Murakami, HarukiHaruki MurakamiSputnik SweetheartMagic Realism1999bikerbuddyREVIEW
Murakami, HarukiHaruki MurakamiWhat I Talk about When I Talk About RunningMemoir2007ToriazREVIEW
Murata, SayakaSayaka MurataConvenience Store WomanAkutagawa Prize 2016Fiction (General)2016 (2018)ToriazREVIEW
Murdoch, IrisIris MurdochThe Sea, The SeaBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1978Fiction (General)1978bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Project Page
Murray, Charles & Bly Fox, CatherineCharles Murray, Catherine Bly FoxApolloNon-Fiction1989 (2004)ToriazREVIEW
Murray, PaulPaul MurrayThe Bee StingNero Gold PrizeFiction (General)2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
Naipaul, V.S.V.S. Naipaul, VS NaipaulA House for Mr BiswasPost-Colonial Fiction1961bikerbuddyREVIEW
Naipaul, V.S.V.S. Naipaul, VS NaipaulIn A Free StateBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1971Post-Colonial Fiction, Short Stories1971ToriazREVIEW
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Project Page
Nabokov, VladimirVladimir NabokovLolitaFiction (General)1955bikerbuddyREVIEW
Nam-Joo, ChoCho Nam-JooKim Jiyoung, Born 1982Fiction (General)2016 (2020)bikerbuddyREVIEW
Nell, JoannaJoanna NellThe Last Voyage of Mrs Henry ParkerFiction (General)2019ToriazREVIEW
Newby, P.H.P.H. Newby, PH NewbySomething to Answer ForBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1969Historical Fiction1968bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Project Page
Nguyen, Viet ThanhThanh Viet NguyenThe SympathizerPulitzer Prize Fiction 2016Fiction (General)2015bikerbuddyREVIEW
Nix, GarthGarth NixLeft-Handed Booksellers of London Series #1The Left-Handed Booksellers of LondonABIA Awards Book of the Year for Older Children 2021Fantasy Fiction, Young Adult Fiction2020ToriazREVIEW
North, RyanRyan NorthRomeo And/Or JulietChoose Your Own Adventure, Humorous Fiction2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
Nugent, LizLiz NugentStrange Sally DiamondFiction (General), Crime Fiction2023ToriazREVIEW
Oates, Joyce CarolJoyce Carol OatesA Book of American MartyrsFiction (General)2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Oates, Joyce CarolJoyce Carol OatesHazards of Time TravelDystopian Fiction2018bikerbuddyREVIEW
Oates, Joyce CarolJoyce Carol OatesNight. Sleep. Death. The Stars.Night Sleep Death The StarsFiction (General)2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Obama, BarackBarack ObamaA Promised LandGoodreads Choice Awards Best Memoir and Autobiography 2020Memoir, Political2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
O'Farrell, MaggieMaggie O'FarrellHamnetWomen's Prize Fiction 2021Historical Fiction2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Ogawa, YokoYoko OgawaThe Memory PoliceDystopian Fiction, Magic Realism1994 (2019)bikerbuddyREVIEW
Okri, BenBen OkriThe Famished Road Trilogy #1The Famished RoadBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1991Magic Realism, Post-Colonial Fiction1991bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Project Page
O'Leary, BethBeth O'LearyThe No-ShowThe No Show, The NoShowRomance Fiction2022WaywardWomanREVIEW
Ondaatje, MichaelMichael OndaatjeThe English PatientBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1992, Golden Man Booker Prize 2018Historical Fiction, Now a Major Motion Picture1992bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Project Page
Ondaatje, MichaelMichael OndaatjeWarlightHistorical Fiction2018bikerbuddyREVIEW
Orczy, Baroness EmmaBaroness Emma OrczyLady Molly of Scotland YardGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1910ToriazREVIEW
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Project Page
Orczy, Baroness EmmaBaroness Emma OrczyThe Scarlet Pimpernel Series #1The Scarlet PimpernelHistorical Fiction1905bikerbuddyREVIEW
Orwell, GeorgeGeorge OrwellComing Up for AirFiction (General)1939bikerbuddyREVIEW
Orwell, GeorgeGeorge OrwellNineteen Eighty-Four1984Dystopian Fiction1949NickoHeap, UmbritzerREVIEW
Orwell, GeorgeGeorge OrwellThe Road to Wigan PierNon-Fiction, Political1937bikerbuddyREVIEW
Osman, RichardRichard OsmanThursday Murder Club Series #1The Thursday Murder ClubCrime Fiction2020ToriazREVIEW
Osman, RichardRichard OsmanThursday Murder Club Series #2The Man Who Died TwiceCrime Fiction2021ToriazREVIEW
Osman, RichardRichard OsmanWe Solve Murder Series #1We Solve MurdersCrime Fiction2024bikerbuddyREVIEW
Owens, DeliaDelia OwensWhere the Crawdads SingBritish Book Awards Page Turner 2021Fiction (General)2018ToriazREVIEW
Padua, SydneySydney PaduaThe Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and BabbageBritish Book Design and Production Award Graphic Novels 2015Graphic Novel, Alternative History2015ToriazREVIEW
Pascoe, BruceBruce PascoeDark EmuNew South Wales Premier’s Book of the Year Award 2016, NSW Premier’s Literary Awards Indigenous Writer’s Prize 2016Non-Fiction2014bikerbuddyREVIEW
Pelt, Shelby VanShelby Van PeltRemarkably Bright CreaturesMcLaughlin-Esstman-Stearns First Novel Prize 2023, One Book-One Lincoln winner 2023Fiction (General)2022ToriazREVIEW
Perry, SarahSarah PerryThe Essex SerpentBritish Book Awards Book of the Year 2016, Waterstones Book of the Year 2016Historical Fiction2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
Potter, MargaretMargaret PotterThe Blow-and-Grow YearChildren's Fiction1970bikerbuddyREVIEW
Powers, RichardRichard PowersBewildermentFiction (General)2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
Powers, RichardRichard PowersThe OverstoryPulitzer Prize Fiction 2019Fiction (General)2018bikerbuddyREVIEW
Pratchett, TerryTerry PratchettThe Discworld Series #1The Colour of MagicFantasy Fiction, Humorous Fiction1983ToriazREVIEW
Pratchett, TerryTerry PratchettThe Discworld Series #2The Light FantasticFantasy Fiction, Humorous Fiction1986Toriaz REVIEW
Pratchett, TerryTerry PratchettThe Discworld Series #3Equal RitesFantasy Fiction, Humorous Fiction1987ToriazREVIEW
Pratchett, TerryTerry PratchettThe Discworld Series #26Thief of TimeFantasy Fiction, Humorous Fiction2007ToriazREVIEW
Pratchett, TerryTerry PratchettThe Discworld Series #40Raising SteamFantasy Fiction, Humorous Fiction2013bikerbuddyREVIEW
Pullman, PhilipPhilip PullmanThe Book of Dust #1La Belle SauvageWaterstones Book of the Year 2017Children's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction2017ToriazREVIEW
Pullman, PhilipPhilip PullmanThe Book of Dust #2The Secret CommonwealthChildren's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction2019ToriazREVIEW
Pullman, PhilipPhilip PullmanHis Dark Materials #1Northern LightsCarnegie Medal 1995Children's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction1995ToriazREVIEW
Pullman, PhilipPhilip PullmanHis Dark Materials #2The Subtle KnifeAmerican Library Association Best Book for Young Adults 1997Children's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction1995ToriazREVIEW
Pullman, PhilipPhilip PullmanHis Dark Materials #3The Amber SpyglassWhitbread Book of the Year 2001, British Book Awards Children's Book of the Year 2001Children's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction2000ToriazREVIEW
Pullman, PhilipPhilip PullmanHis Dark Materials Companion Book #1Lyra's OxfordLyras OxfordChildren's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction2003ToriazREVIEW
Pullman, PhilipPhilip PullmanHis Dark Materials Companion Book #4SerpentineChildren's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction2020ToriazREVIEW
Pynchon, ThomasThomas PynchonThe Crying of Lot 49Fiction (General)1965bikerbuddyREVIEW
Pynchon, ThomasThomas PynchonGravity's RainbowGravitys RainbowNational Book Award 1974Historical Fiction, Postmodern Fiction1973bikerbuddyREVIEW
Queen, ElleryEllery QueenEllery Queen Mystery Series #1The Roman Hat MysteryGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1929ToriazREVIEW
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Quick, MatthewMatthew QuickThe Silver Linings PlaybookFiction (General), Now a Major Motion Picture2008WaywardWomanREVIEW
Rankin, IanIan RankinInspector Rebus Series #22In A House of LiesCrime Fiction2018ToriazREVIEW
Rankin, IanIan RankinInspector Rebus Series #1Knots and CrossesCrime Fiction1987ToriazREVIEW
Reeve, NatNat ReeveNettleblackHistorical Fiction, LGBTQ+2022ToriazREVIEW
Reilly, MatthewMatthew ReillyCobalt BlueAustralian Fiction, Thriller Fiction2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
Reilly, MatthewMatthew ReillyJack West Jr Series #1Seven Ancient WondersAustralian Fiction, Thriller Fiction2005bikerbuddyREVIEW
Reilly, MatthewMatthew ReillyJack West Jr Series #2Six Sacred StoneAustralian Fiction, Thriller Fiction2007bikerbuddyREVIEW
Reilly, MatthewMatthew ReillyThe TournamentAustralian Fiction, Historical Fiction, Crime Fiction2013bikerbuddy, ToriazREVIEW
Rekulah, JasonJason RekulahThe Impossible Fortress Bildungsroman2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Renault, MaryMary RenaultTheseus Series #1The King Must DieHistorical Fiction, Mythology1958ToriazREVIEW
Richardson, Kim MicheleKim Michele Richardson, Kim RichardsonThe Book Woman of Troublesome CreekHistorical Fiction2019ToriazREVIEW
Richler, MordecaiMordecai RichlerJacob Two-Two Series #1Jacob Two-Two Meets the Hooded FangChildren's Fiction1975bikerbuddyREVIEW
Rio, M.L.M.L. Rio, ML RioIf We Were VillainsCrime Fiction, Dark Academia2017ToriazREVIEW
Rijneveld, Marieke LucasMarieke Lucas RijneveldThe Discomfort of EveningBooker Prize ProjectInternational Booker Prize 2020Fiction (General)2018 (2020)bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Project Page
Robinson, Kim StanleyKim Stanley RobinsonNew York 2140Science Fiction2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Robinson, Kim StanleyKim Stanley RobinsonRed MoonScience Fiction2018bikerbuddyREVIEW
Romero, George A. & Kraus, DanielGeorge A. Romero, George A Romero, George Romero, Daniel KrausThe Living DeadHorror Fiction2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Rooney, SallySally RooneyNormal PeopleCosta Novel Award 2018, British Book Award for Book of the Year 2019Fiction (General)2018NickoHeapREVIEW
Rose, HeatherHeather RoseThe Museum Of Modern Love Stella Prize 2017, New South Wales Premier's Literary Awards Christina Stead Prize for Fiction 2017, Tasmanian Literary Awards Margaret Scott Prize 2017Fiction (General)2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
Roth, PhilipPhilip RothThe American Trilogy #3The Human StainNational Jewish Book Award 2001, PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction 2001, Prix Médicis étranger; Meilleur livre de l'année 2002, WH Smith Literary Award 2001Fiction (General)2000bikerbuddyREVIEW
Roth, PhilipPhilip RothThe Plot Against AmericaJames Fenimore Cooper Prize for Best Historical Fiction 2005Alternative History2004bikerbuddyREVIEW
Rousseau, Jean-JacquesJean-Jacques RousseauThe Social ContractPolitical, Philosophy1762bikerbuddyREVIEW
Rowling, J.K.J.K. Rowling, JK RowlingFantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemFantasy Fiction2017ToriazREVIEW
Roy, ArundhatiArundhati RoyThe God of Small ThingsBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1997Post-Colonial Fiction1997bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Project Page
Rubenhold, HallieHallie RubenholdThe Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the RipperBaillie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction 2019Non-Fiction2019bikerbuddyREVIEW
Rubens, BerniceBernice RubensThe Elected MemberBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1970Fiction (General)1969bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Project Page
Rudnick, ElizabethElizbeth RudnickChristopher Robin Movie NovelChildren's Fiction, Now A Major Motion Picture2018WaywardWomanREVIEW
Rubiano, Brittany & Wall, MikeBrittany Rubiano, Mike WallA Boy, A Bear, A BalloonChildren's Fiction, Now A Major Motion Picture, Picture Book2018WaywardWomanREVIEW
Rushdie, SalmanSalman RushdieThe Golden HouseFiction (General)2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Rushdie, SalmanSalman RushdieQuichotteMagic Realism, Science Fiction2019bikerbuddyREVIEW
Saadawi, AhmedAhmed SaadawiFrankenstein in BaghdadInternational Prize for Arabic Fiction 2014Magic Realism2013 (2018)bikerbuddyREVIEW
Sagar, RileyRiley SagarFinal GirlsITW Thriller Award for Best Hardcover Novel 2018Thriller Fiction2017WaywardWomanREVIEW
Sager, RileyRiley SagarLast Time I LiedThriller Fiction2018WaywardWomanREVIEW
SakiHector Hugh Munroe, Hector MunroeImproper StoriesShort Stories, Humorous Fiction2010bikerbuddyREVIEW
Saunders, GeorgeGeorge SaundersLiberation DayShort Stories2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
Saunders, GeorgeGeorge SaundersLincoln in the BardoBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2017Historical Fiction2017bikerbuddy, ToriazREVIEW
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Savage, AdamAdam SavageEvery Tool's a Hammer: Life is What You Make ItEvery Tools a Hammer Life Is What You Make itNon-Fiction, Autobiography2019bikerbuddyREVIEW
Sayers, Dorothy L.Dorothy L. Sayers, Dorothy L Sayers, Dorothy SayersLord Peter Wimsey Series #9The Nine TailorsGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1934ToriazREVIEW
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Sayers, Dorothy L.Dorothy L. Sayers, Dorothy L Sayers, Dorothy SayersLord Peter Wimsey Series #1Whose Body?Golden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1923ToriazREVIEW
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Schiff, StacyStacy SchiffThe Witches: Salem, 1692 A HistoryNon-Fiction2015bikerbuddyREVIEW
Scott, PaulPaul ScottStaying OnBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1977Historical Fiction1977bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Scrivenor, HayleyHayley ScrivenorDirt TownABIA General Fiction Book of the Year 2023, Unpublished Manuscript Award 2020Australian Fiction, Crime Fiction2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
Self, WillWill SelfGreat ApesAlternative History1997bikerbuddyREVIEW
Selznick, BrianBrian SelznickThe Invention of Hugo CabretCaldecott Medal 2008, YALSA Best Book for Young Adults 2008Children's Fiction, Historical Fiction, Graphic Novel2007ToriazREVIEW
Selznick, BrianBrian SelznickThe MarvelsRainbow Project Book List 2016Children's Fiction, Historical Fiction, Graphic Novel2015bikerbuddyREVIEW
Seth, VikramVikram SethArion and the DolphinPlay, Poetry, Mythology1994bikerbuddyREVIEW
Shaffer, Mary AnnMary Ann ShafferThe Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie SocietyIndies Choice Book Awards 2009Romance Fiction, Historical Fiction2008ToriazREVIEW
Shakespeare, NicholasNicholas ShakespeareOddfellowsHistorical Fiction2015bikerbuddyREVIEW
Shakespeare, WilliamWilliam ShakespeareMeasure for MeasurePlay1623 (1969)bikerbuddyREVIEW
Shamsie, KamilaKamila ShamsieHome FireWomen's Prize for Fiction 2018Fiction (General)2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Scheff, DavidDavid ScheffBeautiful BoyBarnes & Noble "Discover Great New Writers Award" for Non-Fiction 2008, Amazon Best Book of the Year 2008Memoir, Non-Fiction2008NickoHeapREVIEW
Shetterly, Margot LeeMargot Lee ShetterlyHidden Figures: The Untold Story of the African American Women Who Helped Win the Space RaceAnisfield-Wolf Book Award for Non-Fiction 2017Non-Fiction, Now A Major Motion Picture2016ToriazREVIEW
Shikibu, MurasakiMurasaki ShikibuThe Tale of GenjiFiction (General)1882bikerbuddyREVIEW
Shipstead, MaggieMaggie ShipsteadGreat CircleHistorical Fiction2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
Shree, GeetanjaliGeetanjali ShreeTomb of SandBooker Prize ProjectBooker International Prize 2022Post-Colonial Fiction2018 (2022)bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Simpson, RogerRoger SimpsonHalifax Series #1Halifax: TransgressionCrime Fiction2022WaywardWomanREVIEW
Simsion, GraemeGraeme SimsionRosie Trilogy #3The Rosie ResultFiction (General)2019WaywardWomanREVIEW
Simsion, Graeme & Buist, AnneGraeme Simsion, Anne BuistTwo Steps ForwardRomance Fiction2017WaywardWomanREVIEW
Singh, KhushwantKhushwant SinghTrain to PakistanHistorical Fiction1954umbritzerREVIEW
Sittenfeld, CurtisCurtis SittenfieldRodhamAlternative History2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Skaife, ChristopherChristopher Skaife, Chris SkaifeThe RavenmasterMemoir2018ToriazREVIEW
Smith, AliAli SmithSeasonal Quartet #1AutumnFiction (General)2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
Smith, AliAli SmithSeasonal Quartet #2WinterFiction (General)2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Smith, AliAli SmithSeasonal Quartet #3SpringOrwell Prize 2021Fiction (General)2019bikerbuddyREVIEW
Smith, ZadieZadie SmithThe FraudHistorical Fiction2023bikerbuddyREVIEW
Smith, ZadieZadie SmithWhite TeethJames Tait Black Memorial Prize 2000, Whitbread First Novel Award 2000, Guardian First Book Award 2000Post-Colonial Fiction2000bikerbuddyREVIEW
Snyder, Scott & Capullo, GregScott Snyder, Greg CapulloThe Joker: Death of the FamilyGraphic Novel2014bikerbuddyREVIEW
SophoclesAntigonePlay, Mythology1947bikerbuddyREVIEW
Spark, MurielMuriel SparkThe Prime of Miss Jean BrodieFiction (General)1961bikerbuddyREVIEW
Spiegelman, ArtArt SpiegelmanThe Complete MausNational Book Critics Circle Award 1991, Pulitzer Prize 1992Graphic Novel, Historical Fiction1996bikerbuddyREVIEW
Sprigg, Christopher St JohnChristopher St John SpriggCrime in KensingtonGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1933ToriazREVIEW
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Springer, NancyNancy SpringerThe Enola Holmes Mystery Series #1The Case of the Missing MarquesYoung Adult, Crime Fiction, Now A Major Motion Picture2007ToriazREVIEW
Stedman, M.L.M.L. Stedman, ML StedmanThe Light Between Oceans Indie Book Awards Book of the Year and Debut Fiction Awards 2013Australian Fiction, Historical Fiction2012bikerbuddyREVIEW
StendhalMarie-Henri BeyleThe Red and the Black19th Century Fiction, Romance Fiction1830bikerbuddyREVIEW
Stevenson, BenjaminBenjamin StevensonErnest Cunningham Mysteries #3Everyone This Christmas has a SecretAustralian Fiction, Crime Fiction2024WaywardWomanREVIEW
Storey, DavidDavid StoreySavilleBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1976Bildungsroman, Historical Fiction1976bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Stowe, Harriet BeecherHarriet Beecher StoweUncle Tom's Cabin19th Century Fiction1852ToriazREVIEW
Strout, ElizabethElizabeth StroutLucy Barton Series #3Oh William!Fiction (General)2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
Stuart, DouglasDouglas StuartShuggie BainBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 2020Fiction (General)2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Sullivan, MatthewMatthew SullivanMidnight At The Bright Ideas BookstoreCrime Fiction2017ToriazREVIEW
Sun-TzuThe Art of WarNon-Fiction, Philosophy2002GigzymandiasREVIEW
Sveistrup, SørenSveistrup, Soren, Soren SveistrupThe Chestnut ManCrime Fiction2018ToriazREVIEW
Swanson, PeterPeter SwansonRules for Perfect MurdersCrime Fiction2020ToriazREVIEW
Swift, GrahamGraham SwiftHere We AreFiction (General)2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Swift, GrahamGraham SwiftWaterlandGuardian Fiction Prize 1983Fiction (General)1983bikerbuddyREVIEW
Szubanski, MagdaMagda SzubanskiTimmy the Ticked-Off Pony Seris #1Timmy the Ticked-Off Pony and the Poo of ExcitementChildren's Fiction, Picture Book2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Talese, GayGay TaleseThe Voyeur's MotelThe Voyeurs MotelNon-Fiction2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
Tartt, DonnaDonna TarttThe GoldfinchPulitzer Prize Fiction 2014Fiction (General), Dark Academia2013bikerbuddyREVIEW
Tartt, DonnaDonna TarttThe Secret HistoryFiction (General), Dark Academia1992ToriazREVIEW
Taylor, AmyAmy TaylorSearch HistoryAustralian Fiction, Romance Fiction2023WaywardWomanREVIEW
Telgemeier, RainaRaina TelgemeierDramaGraphic Novel, LGBTQ+2012ToriazREVIEW
Tevis, WalterWalter TevisThe Queen's GambitFiction (General)1983ToriazREVIEW
Tey, JosephineJosephine TeyInspector Alan Grant Series #5The Daughter of TimeCrime Fiction, Historical Fiction1951bikerbuddyREVIEW
Tey, JosephineJosephine TeyInspector Alan Grant Series #6The Singing SandsGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1952ToriazREVIEW
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Therese, RitaRita ThereseComeMemoir2020ToriazREVIEW
Thomas, DylanDylan ThomasUnder MilkwoodPlay1954bikerbuddyREVIEW
Tobia, JacobJacob TobiaSissy: A Coming-Of-Gender StoryMemoir, LGBTQ+2019ToriazREVIEW
Tokarczuk, OlgaOlga TokarczukFlightsBooker Prize ProjectBooker International Prize 2018Fiction (General)2007 (2017)bikerbuddyREVIEW
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Project Page
Tolkien, J.R.R.J.R.R. Tolkien, JRR TolkienLetters From Father ChristmasChildren's Fiction1976bikerbuddyREVIEW
Toltz, SteveStev ToltzHere Goes NothingAustralian Fiction, Satirical Fiction2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
Toole, John KennedyJohn Kennedy TooleA Confederacy of DuncesPulitzer Prize Fiction 1981Fiction (General)1980bikerbuddyREVIEW
Toomey, Tia-ClareTia-Clare ToomeyHow I Became the Fittest Woman on Earth: My Story So FarMemoir2018ToriazREVIEW
Townsend, JessicaJessica TownsendThe Nevermoor Series #1Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan CrowAustralian Book Industry Awards Book of the Year 2018, Adelaide Festival Awards for Literature, Premier's Award Best Overall Published Work, Premier's Award Children's Award, Australian Independent Booksellers' Award 2018Children's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Australian Fiction2017ToriazREVIEW
Townsend, JessicaJessica TownsendThe Nevermoor Series #2Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan CrowChildren's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Australian Fiction2018ToriazREVIEW
Townsend, JessicaJessica TownsendThe Nevermoor Series #3Hollowpox: The Hunt for Morrigan CrowWaterstones Children's Book Prize in 2020Children's Fiction, Fantasy Fiction, Australian Fiction2020ToriazREVIEW
Tremayne, PeterPeter TremayneSister Fidelma Mysteries #1Absolution by MurderCrime Fiction1994ToriazREVIEW
Trump, Mary L.Mary L. Trump, Mary L Trump, Mary TrumpToo Much and Never Enough: How my family created the world's most dangerous manMemoir, Biography, Politcal2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Tudor, C.J.C.J. Tudor, CJ TudorThe Chalk ManInternational Thriller Writers Award Best First Novel 2019, Barry Award 2019, Strand Critics Award for Best Debut NovelCrime Fiction, Thriller Fiction2018ToriazREVIEW
Turner, EthelEthel TurnerWoolcot Family Series #1Seven Little AustraliansAustralian Fiction, Children's Fiction, 19th Century Fiction1894bikerbuddyREVIEW
Turton, StuartStuart TurtonThe Seven Deaths of Evelyn HardcastleCosta First Novel Award 2018Crime Fiction2018ToriazREVIEW
Twain, MarkMark Twain, Samuel Clemens, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Samuel L ClemensThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer19th Century Fiction, Adventure Fiction, Bildungsroman1876bikerbuddyREVIEW
Twain, MarkMark Twain, Samuel Clemens, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Samuel L ClemensThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn19th Century Fiction, Adventure Fiction, Bildungsroman1884bikerbuddyREVIEW
Tyler, AnneAnne TylerRedhead by the Side of the RoadFiction (General)2020bikerbuddyREVIEW
Unsworth, BarryBarry UnsworthSacred HungerBooker Prize ProjectBooker Prize 1992Historical Fiction, Dystopian Fiction1992bikerbuddyREVIEW
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V., MikeMike con structionsdeconstructionsPoetry2025bikerbuddyREVIEW
Vance, J.D.J.D. Vance, JD VanceHillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of A Family And Culture In CrisisMemoir, Political2016ToriazREVIEW
VanderMeer, JeffJeff VanderMeerThe Ambergris Trilogy #1City of Saints and MadmenFantasy Fiction2001HastyREVIEW
VanderMeer, JeffJeff VanderMeerVeniss UndergroundFantasy Fiction2005HastyREVIEW
Verne, JulesJules VerneVoyages Extraordinaires #11Around the World in Eighty Days19th Century Fiction, Now A Major Motion Picture1872 bikerbuddyREVIEW
Verne, JulesJules VerneVoyages Extraordinaires #4From the Earth to the Moon19th Century Fiction, Science Fiction1865bikerbuddyREVIEW
Verne, JulesJules VerneVoyages Extraordinaires #3Journey to the Centre of the Earth19th Century Fiction, Science Fiction1864bikerbuddyREVIEW
Verne, JulesJules VerneVoyages Extraordinaires #6Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea19th Century Fiction, Science Fiction1869ToriazREVIEW
Villareal, Raymond A.Raymond A. Villareal, Raymond A Villareal, Raymond VillarealA People's History of the Vampire UprisingA Peoples History of the Vampire UprisingAlternative History, Science Fiction2018bikerbuddyREVIEW
Vonnegut, KurtKurt VonnegutMother NightHistorical Fiction1961bikerbuddyREVIEW
Vonnegut, KurtKurt VonnegutSlapstick or Lonesome No MoreSatirical Fiction1976bikerbuddyREVIEW
Wade, HenryHenry WadeThe Missing PartnersGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1928ToriazREVIEW
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Project Page
Wall, MickMick WallLike a Bat Out of HellBiography2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Watson, KatyKaty WatsonThe Three Dahlias Murders #1The Three DahliasCrime Fiction2022ToriazREVIEW
Watson, WinifredWinifred WatsonMiss Pettigrew Lives for a DayFiction (General)1938ToriazREVIEW
Walpole, HoraceHorace WalpoleThe Castle Of OtrantoHorror Fiction, Gothic Fiction1764ToriazREVIEW
Walsh, Jill PatonJill Paton WalshLord Peter Wimsey/Harriet Vane Detective Series #4The Late ScholarCrime Fiction2013ToriazREVIEW
Warner, Sylvia TownsendSylvia Townsend Warner, Sylvia WarnerThe Corner that Held ThemHistorical Fiction1948bikerbuddyREVIEW
Waugh, EvelynEvelyn WaughDecline and FallSatirical Fiction1928bikerbuddyREVIEW
Waugh, EvelynEvelyn WaughVile BodiesSatirical Fiction1930bikerbuddyREVIEW
Waye, CecilCecil WayePerrins, Private Investigators' Mysteries #1Murder at Monk's BarnGolden Age of Crime FictionCrime Fiction1931ToriazREVIEW
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Wearne, OliviaOlivia WearneThe Grand TourAustralian Fiction2020WaywardWomanREVIEW
Weir, AndyAndy WeirArtemisDragon Award Best Science Fiction Novel 2018, Geffen Award Best Translated Science Fiction Book 2019Science Fiction2017bikerbuddyREVIEW
Weir, AndyAndy WeirProject Hail MaryAudie Awards Audio Book of the Year 2022Science Fiction2021bikerbuddyREVIEW
Wells, H.G.H.G. Wells, HG WellsThe First Men in the MoonScience Fiction1901bikerbuddyREVIEW
Wesley, MaryMary WesleyThe Camomile LawnFiction (General)1984ToriazREVIEW
Whatley, BruceBruce WhatleyRubenPicture Book2017ToriazREVIEW
White, PatrickPatrick WhiteThe Aunt's StoryThe Aunts StoryAustralian Fiction1948bikerbuddyREVIEW
White, PatrickPatrick WhiteVossMiles Franklin Award 1957Australian Fiction1957bikerbuddyREVIEW
White, T.H.T.H. White, TH WhiteThe Once And Future KingFantasy Fiction, Mythology1958ToriazREVIEW
Whitehead, ColsonColson WhiteheadThe Nickel BoysPulitzer Prize for Fiction 2020Historical Fiction2019bikerbuddyREVIEW
Whitehead, ColsonColson WhiteheadThe Underground RailwayPulitzer Prize for Fiction 2017, National Book Award for Fiction 2016, Arthur C. Clarke Award 2017, Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence 2017Historical Fiction2016bikerbuddyREVIEW
Wilkins, RobRob WilkinsTerry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes*BSFA award for Best Non Fiction 2023Biography2022bikerbuddyREVIEW
Williams, JohnJohn WilliamsAugustusNational Book Award 1973Historical Fiction1971bikerbuddyREVIEW
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