
I enjoy reading and thought that reviewing for this website would encourage me to read more often.

I studied physics and have taught physics at university. I have worked as a scientist, but in my later career I now work for the government.

I like a range of fiction and non-fiction books, and I think this shows in the books I have reviewed for this site so far.

However, my favourite genre is Crime Fiction. I have read most of the Sherlock Holmes stories and Agatha Christie novels. I prefer the cosy detective branch of Crime Fiction most.

▼ Reviews


To Be Read Tally

I've bought a lot of books since we started the Reading Project; far more than I can keep up with. I decided to make a list of them here as a sign of my intentions, but I found I was often reading books not on my list. I decided, instead, that rather than have a list, I would have a tally that represented my Sisyphean attempt to read all my books. I would start the year with an opening balance, a tally of books read, of new books added, and a closing balance at the end of the year. My recorded results begin with 2020. 😊
