Reading Project

The Federalist Papers

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay

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Reviewer: bikerbuddy

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The Federalist Papers were a series of 85 essays written by John Jay, James Madison and Alexander Hamilton between 27 October 1787 and 28 May 1788. America needed a new Federal Constitution to address problems in the old Constitution that weakened the Federal Government. A Constitutional Convention was held between May 25 to September 17, 1787. The members of the Convention wrote a new Constitution which guaranteed State rights that did not violate Federal powers. To become legal, the Constitution would have to be ratified by 9 of the 13 States.

The new proposed Constitution had its detractors, and The Federalist Papers were written in response to criticisms against it, as well as to explain the reasoning behind the new Constitution and build support for it.

This website project represents a personal reading of The Federalist Papers. I made summaries and notes on each of the papers as I read them, and sometimes offered my own commentary. For anyone with expertise in this area who might happen upon my notes, you are encouraged to correct any misreading I have made. Comment boxes are at the bottom of each page. I profess no expertise in this area at all. Rather, I was just trying to engage with an interesting topic.

For readers with a general interest in this topic, these notes may be a good introduction to the content of The Federalist Papers. They may also assist you in your own reading of the original papers.

Use the Federalist Papers Index to look for specific topics. Otherwise, the Table of Contents pane lists all papers and gives you access to any of them.

Note: The index for specific names and topics appears BELOW the Table of Contents

Table of Contents

This Index can be used to locate subjects covered by my outline of the Federalist Papers, which in turn will aid in the study of the original documents. References in this index are made either by whole numbers, or numbers followed by a decimal point. Whole numbers – for example, 2 – indicate that most or all of a paper is dedicated to the indexed subject. Numbers with decimal points – for example, 2.3 – refer to the Federalist Paper outline and my paragraph number. Therefore a reference 2.3 would refer to Federalist Paper 2, paragraph 3 of my outline. Click on the blue numbers to be taken to my outline of the relevant paper. References to modern context or historical references post-dating the Federalist Papers’ publication appear in purple.

  • Achaean League, see Greece
  • American Experiment
  • - greatness of..., 14.6
  • Amphictyonic Council, see Greece
  • Anti-Federalists
  • - conflicting stances of..., 38.2-38.3
  • - dangers from..., 18.6
  • - disingenous campaign..., 85.3 & 85.5
  • - misrepresentation of Presidential powers..., 67.2-67.7, 69.1
  • - Montesquieu, 9 passim
  • - oppose new constitution, 1.6, 15.2-15.3
  • - support Articles of Confederation, 2.7
  • - support of State power, 8 passim, 10.4
  • - taxation, 30.5, 31.2-31.7
  • Army, See Defence
  • The Articles of Confederation
  • - ambiguous language, 42.12
  • - Congress of 1774, 2.7
  • - powers of Congress, 38.4
  • - problems of raising armies, 22.2-22.3
  • - standing armies, 24.2
  • - State quota system, 21.5, 30.4
  • - weaknesses of..., 1.INTRO
  • Athens, see Greece
  • Australia
  • - reserve powers of the Crown (1975 crisis)..., 69.6
  • - supply as weapon (1975 crisis)..., 58.7
  • Bankruptcy, 42.7 & 42.13
  • Bill of Rights, See Constitution
  • Bills of Attainder, 44.6
  • Britain
  • - advantages of its unification, 5.1
  • - balancing power of government branches (problems of...), 37.5
  • - Charles II,
  • + parliamentary terms52.5
  • - constitution,
  • + separation of powers47.3
  • - defence expenditure, 34.5
  • - isolation key to Constitution and freedoms, 8.4-8.6
  • - impeachment (model of...), 65.5
  • - land tax, 12.1
  • - English Parliament, 12.1
  • + consent to raise army, 26.3
  • + House of Commons (power of...), 71.6
  • + House of Lords tenure, 63.8
  • + parliamentary terms, 52.5, 53.2, 63.8
  • + proportional representation, 56.9-56.10
  • - monarch (powers of...), 69.2 passim & 69.14 [table]
  • + adjourn parliament, 69.9
  • + Queen Elizabeth II adjourns parliament 2019, 69.9
  • + annul parliamentary laws, 69.6
  • + declare war and raise forces, 69.7
  • + make treaties, 69.10
  • - Queen Anne: letter proposing unity to Scottish Parliament, 5.1
  • - Suffrage,
  • + class and wealth based57.11
  • - trade hegemony, 11.1
  • - William III,
  • + parliamentary terms52.5
  • Capital territory
  • - cession of State land, 43.3
  • Charlemagne
  • - imperial power of..., 19.2
  • Citizenship
  • - naturalisation a Federal responsibility..., 42.7 & 42.12
  • Civil Liberty
  • - government for all people, 51.4-51.6
  • Civil War
  • - American Civil War 1861 - 1865, 16.4-16.12, 54.5
  • - civil war,
  • + danger of civil war without State complicance through justice system, 16.1-16.3
  • Congress, see Legislature
  • Confederacy
  • - amendments...,
  • + role in refining Constitution, 85.7
  • - benefits of..., 9.4
  • - dangers of State inequality, 5.4
  • - Northern and Southern States, 5.3
  • - States effectively foreign powers without Union, 5.3
  • Constitution
  • - 2nd Amendment [right to bear arms], 46.8
  • + collective rights theory..., 46.8-46.9
  • + District of Columbia v. Heller 2008, 46.9
  • - 6th Amendment, 1791 [rights of defendant in criminal law], 83.1
  • - 7th Amendment, 1791 [jury trial in civil cases], 83.13
  • - 11th Amendment, 1794 [Federal judiciary limited in cases of equity and State Sovereignty], 80.13, 81.9
  • - 17th Amendment, 1913 [allowing voters to cast direct votes for U.S. senators], 59.2, 62.3
  • - 22nd Amendment [limitation of presidential terms], 69.4, 72 & 72.10
  • - amendments (power to pass), 43.10
  • - Article 1, Section 3, Clause 1 [appointment of Senators], 67.3
  • - Article 1, Section 3, Clauses 6 & 7 [impeachment], 65
  • - Article 1, Section 8, [Necessary and Proper Clause (power to make laws)], 33.1, 44.10-44.16
  • - Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 [taxation for defence], 41.9
  • - Article 1, Section 10, Clauses 2 & 3, [Consent of Congress], 32
  • - Article 1, Section 1, Clause 1 [duration of presidential term], 71
  • - Article 1, Section 1, Clauses 2 & 3 [Presidential power of veto], 73.7
  • - Article 1, Section 1, Clause 7 [remuneration of President], 73.3
  • - Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2 [appointments made by President], 67, 67.6, 76
  • - Article 2, Section 2, Clause 3 [temporary appointments made by President], 67, 67.5-67.6, 76
  • - Article 2, Section 4, Clauses 6 & 7 [consequence of impeachment], 65, 66.1
  • - Article 3, Section 2, Clause 1 [Judicial Power], 80
  • - Article 3, Section 2, Clause 2 [Supreme Court: Original Jurisdiction], 81.8
  • - Article 3, Section 2, Clause 3 [Trial by Jury], 83
  • - Article 6, Section 2, [Supremacy Clause], 33.1 & 33.7-33.8, 44.17-44.20
  • - balancing power of government branches (problems of...), 37.5, 66.2
  • - benefits of..., 85.4
  • - Bill of Rights, 84.2-84.7
  • - Chisholm vs Georgia 1793 (see also 11th Amendment), 81.9
  • - concurrent jurisdiction, 34
  • - defects of.., 85.2
  • - 'energy', 37.3-37.4
  • - flexibility of..., 36.6
  • - legislature's funding of army, 26.4-26.5, 41.6-41.9
  • - new territories, 43.7
  • - poorly framed (dangers of)..., 25.5-25-6
  • - problems of interpretation, 37.5
  • - ratification of..., 39.4-39.6, 40.6, 43.11-43.12
  • - republican character of..., 39
  • + federal forms..., 39.3-39.6
  • + national forms..., 39.3-39.6
  • - 'stability', 37.3-37.4
  • - State interests protected, 39.5-39.6
  • Constitutional Convention
  • - Act of Annapolis 1786, 40.1
  • - advisory capacity, 40.8
  • - ancient models (differences with...), 38.1
  • - authority of..., 40 passim
  • - character of its members, 3.9
  • - difficulty of reconvening, 85.10
  • - Recommendatory Act of Congress 1787, 40.2
  • - unity of..., 2.8
  • - willingness to compromise, 37.1 & 37.6
  • Council of Censors 1783 - 1784, 48.7
  • - flawed composition, 50.5
  • Copyright Law, 43.2
  • Debt
  • - honoured, 43.9
  • - restrictions on coinage to control..., 44.5
  • Defence
  • - Army,
  • + federal authority, 27.2
  • + forts and magazines, 43.4
  • + legislature power over..., 24.1, 26.2
  • + peace time funding..., 24.1, 26.2
  • + problems of raising army under Articles of Confederation..., 22.2-22.3
  • + standing armies - peace and security, 24.4, 25.7-25.8, 28 passim
  • + advantages of..., 41.5
  • + constitutional limitation, 41.6
  • + dangers of..., 41.5
  • + need for..., 41.4
  • + standing armies - threat..., 8.5-8.8, 29.1-29.2
  • - Federal responsibility, 34.4-34.8
  • - Militia, 29
  • + against insurrection..., 28.2-28.3, 25.2, 29.2-29.6
  • + against federal overreach, 46.6
  • + unsuitable for permanent defence..., 24.5, 25.2, 29.4
  • - Navy,
  • + better resourced under Union, 11.8
  • + importance to trade, 11.3-11.7
  • - States, disadvantages of..., 4.5-4.8, 5.4-5.6
  • - Union, advantages of..., 4.4
  • Duties, See Revenue
  • Elections
  • - disenfranchising areas of population, 60
  • - economic and social interest groups, 60.3-60.5
  • - fixed election dates, 61.6
  • - State voting laws (disenfranchising voters), 60.7
  • - uniformity in timing of Federal elections..., 61.5
  • - voting rights, 57.5
  • Electoral College
  • - advantages of..., 68.5
  • - attempts to reform...,
  • + ‘Every Vote Counts Amendment’, 2005, 68.3
  • + ‘Two-round system’, 1970, 68.3
  • - composition of..., 68.1
  • - faithless electors, 68.2 & 68.10
  • - good character of..., 68.9
  • - original role of..., 68.6-68.9
  • - problems with system, 68.3
  • England, see Britain
  • Executive
  • - President,
  • + accountability for actions, 70.9, 77.10
  • + ceremonial duties, 69.11, 77.8
  • + divided executive powers (dangers of...), 70.5-70.9
  • + election of..., 39.2, 45.4
  • + 'energy' of..., 70.3, 71.3-71.5, 72.2, 73.1
  • + executive power in one person (advantages of...) 70.9
  • + good character of..., 64.1 & 64.3, 68.9, 75.5, 76.2-76.4
  • + impeachment of..., 69.5
  • + remuneration of..., 73.4-73.6
  • + responsiveness to events, 64.5, 70.8
  • + term of office, 39.2, 69.4, 71, 72
  • + term of office (dangers of limiting...), 72.5-72.9
  • - Presidential powers,
  • + adjourn the legislature, 69.9, 77.8
  • + convene Senate, 77.8
  • + commander-in-chief, 74.1
  • + comparison to British monarch, 69.14 [table]
  • + make appointments with Senate's consent, 69.12, 76.5-76.10, 77.1-77.4
  • + fill temporary vacancies (when Senate is in recess), 67.5 & 67.5
  • + make treaties with Senate's consent, 69.10
  • + pardons, 69.8, 74.2-74.4
  • + relieve Congress of current burdens, 84.18
  • + return legislative bills, 69.6
  • + State of the Union address, 77.8
  • + treaties (power to negotiate in secret), 64.4
  • + veto, 73.7-73.8
  • + veto (‘pocket’ veto), 73.7-73.8
  • + veto (purposes of...), 73.9
  • + veto (concerns about use of...), 73.10
  • - Vice-President,
  • + 12th Amendment (election of Vice-President), 68.11
  • + election of..., 68.11
  • ex post facto laws, 44.6, 84.4
  • Factionalism
  • - means of suppressing..., 10.2
  • - property and commercial interest source of..., 10.2
  • - threat of..., 27.4
  • Federal Government (See also ‘Union’)
  • - coinage,
  • + control of foreign coinage, 42.7 & 42.10
  • + federal responsibility, 42.7 & 42.10, 44.3 & 44.5
  • - distrust of..., 25.8, 46.2-46.6
  • + Bundy standoff, 25.8
  • + Wako, 25.8
  • - defence (responsibility for), 34.4-34.8
  • - expense of..., 84.13-84.20
  • - funding (responsibilities), 34.3 & 34.7
  • - duty of care, 31.3
  • - exclusive rights, 32.4-32.6
  • - powers, 23 passim
  • + defence, 23.1-23.2
  • + taxation, 23.1, 34, 36 passim
  • - remoteness of..., 84.8-84.11
  • - supremacy of Federal law, 33.7-33.8
  • - stability under..., 27.4, 28 passim
  • - trust of..., 25.8
  • + prerequisite of civil society, 26.6-26.8
  • The Federalist Papers
  • - intended audience, 37.2
  • Feudalism
  • - feudal Europe, 45.3
  • - power localised in..., 17.6
  • France
  • - difficulties enforcing trade duties..., 12.2
  • - Charles VII, 12.2
  • + militarisation of Europe, 26.6-26.8
  • Germany
  • - trade, 12.2
  • - weaknesses of divided empire, 19.2-19.5
  • Greece
  • - Achaean League
  • + (example of centralised govt.), 18.1-18.5
  • + external threats to, 45.3
  • - Athens
  • + democracy, 63.5
  • - Amphictyonic Council (example of States powerful), 18.1-18.4
  • - Lacedaemonians (Sparta)
  • + Lysander, vice-admiralship, 25.4
  • - subjection to Philip & Alexander of Macedon, 18.6
  • - subjection to Rome, 18.6
  • Hamilton, Alexander
  • - proposed form of government, Constitutional Convention, 2.8
  • Holland, see Netherlands
  • House of Representatives, See Legislature - House of Representatives
  • Human Nature
  • - as check on corruption in House of Representatives, 57.6-57.7
  • - as check on corruption in President, 64.8
  • - as check on corruption in Senate, 64.8
  • - assumed good character of President and Senate, 76.1-76.4 & 76.10
  • - familiarity and habit (basis of stability), 27.5
  • - personal interests in conflict with State, 6.3 passim
  • - need for government necessititated by..., 51.3
  • Imports, See Revenue
  • Impeachment
  • - British model..., 65.5
  • - high crimes and misdemeanors, 65.2
  • - House of Representatives (power to accuse...), 66.2-66.3
  • - judicial impeachment, 79.3
  • - political nature of..., 65.2-62.3, 65.13
  • - presidential impeachment, 69.5
  • - rejected models for trial...,
  • + Supreme Court, 65.6-65.9
  • + special court for impeachments 65.10-65.14
  • - The Senate (power to judge...), 66.2-66.3
  • Indian Wars
  • - State actions, 3.7
  • Insurrection
  • - government conspiracy..., 28.3
  • - local..., 43.8
  • - widescale..., 28.2, 43.8
  • Jefferson, Thomas
  • - 'Notes on the State of Virginia', 48.6, 49.2
  • - Virginia constitution,
  • + separation of powers - oversight by People, 49 passim
  • + separation of powers, 48.6
  • Judicial System
  • - appointments,
  • + Amy Coney Barrett, 48.3, 76.1
  • + Brett Kavanagh, 48.2-48.3, 66.4, 76.1
  • + independent status, 51.1, 81.4
  • - basis of stable government, 15.6-15.9, 20.6
  • - compliance of States to Federal government through..., 16.7, 27.5
  • - educational requirements, 78.17, 81.4
  • - trial by jury,
  • + criminal cases, 83.1-83.3
  • + civil cases, 83.2-83.14
  • + inappropriate for foreign trials, 83.10-83.11
  • + limitation of corruption, 83.6
  • + State trails, 83.13
  • - Federal Judiciary,
  • + district courts, 81.7-81.8
  • + equity, 80.13
  • + foreign cases, 80.6-80.7
  • + land grant cases (individual vs State), 80.10
  • + maritime cases, 80.9
  • + State disputes, 80.8
  • + uniformity of laws, 80.5
  • - impeachment, 79.3
  • - independence, 78.7-78.16
  • - individual culpability of State representatives, 16.10-16.11
  • - precedent, 7812-78.13
  • - role of..., 78.8-78.16
  • - salaries, 79.2
  • - State Judiciary,
  • + appeals (to federal courts), 82.6-82.7
  • + appeals (to Supreme Court), 82.6-82.7
  • + criminal and civil justice, 17.4
  • + concurrent jurisdiction (with federal courts), 82
  • + federal case limitations, 82.3-82.4
  • + limitation of powers, 80.4 & 80.12
  • + trial by jury, 83.13
  • + trial by jury (Massachusetts State law), 83.12
  • + trial by jury (New York State law), 83.8
  • - tenure,
  • + age, 79.4-79.8
  • + during good behaviour, 78.5
  • - weakness of judiciary (neither force nor will), 78.6
  • - Supreme Court,
  • + appellant court, 81.8
  • + composition, 81.1-81.4
  • + independence, 81.4
  • + original jurisdiction (scope of...), 81.8
  • + State Court appeals, 82.6-82.7
  • + trade, 22.10
  • + uniformity of law, 22.10
  • Lacedaemonians (Sparta), see Greece
  • Legislature
  • - Congress
  • + balancing power of..., 71.7-71.8
  • + bicameral..., 52.2
  • + Consent of Congress, 32.7
  • + Constitutional Convention (recommendation for...), 40.2
  • + judicial review, 81.5
  • + veto power of President, 73.13
  • - House of Representatives
  • + Article II, section 1, clause 3 (election of president), 66.3
  • + character of representatives..., 55.8, 57.4
  • + election of..., 39.5
  • + elections biennial..., 53.3-53.6
  • + elect President (power to...), 68.8
  • + electoral regulations of..., 59
  • + good character of..., 64.1
  • + impeachment (role in...), 66.2
  • + money bills, 66.3
  • + proportional representation..., 55.5, 56.7-56.8
  • + Reapportionment Act of 1929 (435 limitation...), 55.5, 58.3
  • + representation, 35.4-34.5, 52.2, 57.6-57.10
  • + representatives' key areas of knowledge, 56.3-53.7
  • + representative numbers (criticism of...), 55.1
  • + representative numbers (dangers of overinflating...), 58.8-58.9
  • + representative numbers (intended outcome of...), 55.2-55.3
  • + representative numbers (increased with census...), 55.5, 58.3-58.6
  • + representative qualifications..., 52.3
  • + Senate oversight..., 63.7-63.8
  • + slaves: the 2/5 Compromise..., 54, [AKA 3/5 Compromise], 55.5
  • + spurious elections..., 53.5
  • + supply as a weapon, 58.5-58.7
  • + term of..., 39.2, 52.4-52.5, 53
  • + treaties (unsuitable for...), 75.7
  • + trustworthiness of..., 57.8-57-10
  • + voting regulation, 59, 60.1, 61
  • + voting restrictions, 60
  • - The Senate
  • + election of..., 39.5, 59.5, 62.3
  • + equality of State representation, 62.4, 64.8
  • + good character of..., 64.3, 65.4, 66.4-66.5, 76.4
  • + impeachment judges, 66.2
  • + Mitch McConnell (stacking Supreme Court...), 76.1
  • + 'national character', 63.2 & 63.4
  • + oversight (of House), 62.5-62.9
  • + oversight (of executive in forming treaties), 75.4
  • + populism (Senate protection against), 63.5
  • + populism (subject to), 63.6
  • + qualifications for..., 62.2
  • + ratification of Presidential nominations, 66.3-66.4, 76.5-76.10, 77.2-77.4
  • + ratification of treaties, 66.3, 75.2-75.11
  • + stability for government, 62.9-62.10, 63.4, 63.7, 77.2-77.4
  • + term of..., 39.2, 62.10, 63.7, 64.3
  • + Trump (impeachment acquital), 63.6
  • Lycean Confederacy, 45.3
  • McConnell, Mitch, see Legislature, The Senate
  • Madison, James
  • - on slavery, 54.9
  • Maryland
  • - State Senate of..., 63.8
  • Militia, See Defence
  • Montesquieu
  • - cited by Anti-Federalist, 10.4
  • - constitution (influence on...), 9.1
  • - disproportionate representation (support of...), 95
  • - insurrection (Federalism a protection against...), 43.8
  • - limits of republican government, 93
  • - separation of powers, 47.2-47.3
  • Mueller Report, 48.1
  • Mutual Guaranty
  • - implied or assumed obligation of States, 21.3-21.4
  • Naturalisation, See Citizenship
  • Navy, See Defence
  • Necessary and Proper Clause, See Constitution
  • Netherlands
  • - constitution, 20.1-20.2
  • - constitutional flaws, 20.3-20.4, 37.6, 39.1
  • - Treaty of Westphalia, 20.3
  • The People
  • - authority of..., 46.2
  • - good judgment of..., 55.7
  • - liberty of..., 45.2
  • - sovereignty, 31.7, 78.11, 84.4-84.5
  • - will of..., 51.5, 71.5
  • Peloponnesian War
  • - Pericles as Athenian leader, 6.5
  • - political dissension cause of..., 18.4
  • Pericles
  • - culpability for Peloponnesian War, 6.5
  • Populism
  • - Senate as protection against, 63.5
  • - dangers of..., 63.6
  • President, see Executive
  • Press
  • - freedom of..., 84.6
  • Republicanism
  • - guard against factionalism, 10.5
  • - optimism of..., 55.10
  • - versus Democracy, 10.4-10.6, 14.2
  • Revenue
  • - allocation, 34.8
  • - consumption tax,
  • + advantages of..., 12.2-12.5, 21.5
  • - essential to political freedom, 12.1-12.3
  • - federal duties,
  • + inadequacy of..., 30.5-30.7
  • + spirit trade, 12.2-12.5
  • - federal taxation,
  • + Articles of Confederation, 30.4
  • + to enforce federal laws, 15.6-15.7
  • + for defence of Union, 23 passim, 30.2, 31.3, 41.9
  • + means of collecting..., 36 passim
  • + uniformity of law, 36.5
  • - Imports and Duties,
  • + inadequate sole source of revenue for Federal government, 30.5, 35.2-35.3, 41.7-41.9
  • + inequality of..., 35.3
  • + State exclusion, 32.6, 44.8
  • - land and population tax, 21.5
  • - poll taxes, 36.6
  • - State trade excise...,
  • + difficulties and dangers of enforcement, 7.11-7.14
  • - Whisky tax, 21.5
  • Rhode Island
  • - refuses to participate in Constitutional Convention, 63.3
  • - votes against ratification of Constitution, 63.3
  • Rome
  • - Caesar, Julius, 16.6
  • - Cicero - Against Verres, 72.6
  • - concurrent jurisdiction, 34.2
  • - consuls (divided executive - dangers of...), 70.2 & 70.5
  • - dictator, 70.2
  • - internal military conflicts, 41.5
  • - subjection of Greek States, 18.6
  • - Sulla, 16.6
  • Roosevelt, President Franklin Delano, 72.1 & 72.10
  • Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, See Social Contract
  • Scotland
  • - clan system, 17.5
  • Security
  • - against foreign threat, 41.3-41.5, 59.8-58.9
  • - federal taxation for..., 30.7
  • - Foreign debt as pretext for invasion, 7.13
  • - Russian interference 2016 election, 21.10, 59.8
  • - 'Safety', 27.4
  • Sedition
  • - thwarting..., 7.13
  • The Senate, see Legislature - The Senate
  • Separation of Powers, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51
  • - checks and oversight, 48.3-48.9, 49.2-49.3
  • - judicial independence, 81.4
  • - periodical oversight, 50.2-50.4
  • - structure of government, 51.1-51.2 & 51.6-51.7, 52.6
  • Shays Rebellion
  • - example of personal interests in conflict with State, 6.7
  • - regulation of federal taxes (context for...), 21.1-21.2
  • Slavery
  • - abolition of importation of slaves, 42.6
  • - legal status,
  • - as persons subject to the law, 54.7
  • - as property, 54.7
  • - as State inhabitants, 54.6
  • - representational ratio (2/5 of the man), 54.6
  • Sparta, see Greece
  • Social Contract
  • - balance between power and liberty, 2.2, 51.7
  • - trust in government, 26.8
  • Standing Army, See Defence
  • States
  • - against Federal overreach of powers, 46.2-46.6
  • - advantages over Federal government, 45.4-45.6, 46.3-46.6
  • - Articles of Confederation,
  • - poor regulation under ..., 38.2
  • - non-compliance with ..., 45.7
  • - quotas under ..., 21.5, 22.2
  • - compliance with Federal law, 16.7
  • - conflict between States,
  • + public debt, 7.11-7.14
  • + standing armies, 25.3-25.5, 41.5
  • + territory, 7.4
  • + trade, 7.8
  • - constitutions,
  • + separation of powers, 47.3-47.4
  • - debt (honouring of...) 84.12
  • - enforce Federal law, 45.4
  • - duty of care, 31.4
  • - disproportionate representation of..., 22.1-22.9, 58.3-58.5
  • - harmony between..., 42.7-42.12
  • - House Representatives,
  • + danger of States regulating elections of..., 59.7
  • + numbers, 55.2-55.3
  • + terms, 53.1
  • - limited responsibilities of..., 34.3
  • - Massachusetts (model for Presidential power of veto), 73.14
  • - new States (creation of...), 43.6
  • - New York
  • + appointments process 77.5
  • + judicial age limits 79.4
  • + state constitution supported by opponents of Federal Constitution 85.3
  • - power, 17 passim
  • + maintained under Federal system, 17 passim
  • - republican constitution (federally required), 43.8
  • - sovereignty, 31 passim, 32.3-32.7, 81.9
  • - State constitutions
  • + Virginia, legislative, 48.6
  • + Pennsylvania, legislative, 48.7-48.8
  • - State judicial systems,
  • - criminal and civil justice, 16.7
  • - trial by jury, 83.13
  • - States' legislation,
  • + basis for federal law, 56.6-56.8
  • - State trade excise,
  • + difficulties and dangers of enforcing..., 7.11-7.14, 13.2
  • - taxes,
  • + State needs, 36.5-26.6
  • - unstable without Union, 7, 13.2, 15 passim, 18.1-18.2, 19 passim, 41.5
  • - State voting laws (disenfranchising voters), 60.7
  • Suffrage, See Elections
  • Supremacy Clause, See Constitution
  • Supreme Court, See Judicial System
  • Switzerland
  • - weaknesses of Canton system, 19.6
  • Tax, See Revenue
  • Terrorism
  • - World Trade Centre attacks, 8.3
  • Titles of Nobility, 44.7, 84.4
  • Trade
  • - agreements with foreign nations, 11.3-11.7
  • - as source of domestic conflict, 6.1/6.3/6.8-6.9, 7.8
  • - as source of foreign conflict, 4.3
  • - benefits of trade excise on foreign imports, 12.4
  • - coinage, 42.7 & 42.10
  • - foreign consuls, 42.4
  • - judicial consistency needed for stable trade, 22.9-22.10
  • - naval strength to protect trade, 11.3-11.8
  • - post offices and roads, 42.7 & 42.10
  • - piracy and felony on the high seas, 42.5
  • - regulation between States, 42.7-42.8
  • - weights and measures, 42.7 & 42.10
  • - with Indians, 42.9
  • Treason
  • - federal jurisdiction, 43.5
  • - pardons, 74.3
  • Treaties
  • - federal jurisdiction, 44.3
  • - presidential power to negotiate..., 64.4, 75.2-75.6
  • - repeal of..., 64.7
  • - Senate
  • + 2/3 vote of those present to ratify..., 75.8-75.11
  • + oversight of executive in forming treaties, 75.4
  • + power to ratify treaties, 75.2-75.11
  • - States prohibited from forming..., 44.8
  • Treaty of Westphalia, see Netherlands
  • - federal jurisdiction, 44.3-44.4
  • Trump, Donald
  • - the Big Lie, 60.7
  • - character (unfit for office), 76.1-76.3
  • - closing borders, 8.10
  • - corruption, 64.2
  • - election interference, 59.9
  • - electoral college (2016 election), 68.3
  • + faithless electors, 68.11
  • - electoral college scheme (2020 election), 68.3
  • - impeachment (first), 59.9, 64.2, 71.8
  • - impeachment (second), 63.6, 65.2-62.3, 71.8
  • - Muslim ban, 8.3, 48.2
  • - Russian interference 2016 election, 21.10, 60.7
  • - wall with Mexico, 48.1, 58.7
  • - communication and travel through..., 14.4
  • - dangers of dissolving..., 7 passim
  • - defence, 4.4, 11.7
  • - economic benefits of..., 12 passim
  • - geographic and cultural unity of..., 2.3-2.5
  • - geographic extent of..., 14.3
  • - justice system to enforce Federal power..., 16 passim
  • - Government structure more streamlined under..., 13.1
  • - protection against State divisions, 10.7, 15.8, 18.5, 10.7 (See also: STATES - unstable without Union)
  • - State powers under..., 9.5
  • Voting, see Elections
  • War
  • - causes of..., 4.1-4.3
  • - personal ambitions contribute to war, 6.6
  • - State actions leading to..., 3.7-3.8
  • - States prohibited from conducting..., 44.8
  • War of Independence
  • - debt, 34.6
  • Wolsey, Cardinal
  • - personal ambitions..., 6.6
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