We’ve hit a bit of a slow period for our Reading Project. This may not be immediately evident if anyone pays attention to our reviews, since we have managed to keep book reviews flowing throughout last month. But they’ve been slow coming (between finishing books and getting the reviews written), and our special reading projects – The Federalist Papers, The Count of Monte Cristo and my attempts to get a Famous Five page off the ground – have all but come to a halt for the moment due to other commitments.
Toriaz is trying to clear her garden from a blackberry invasion and is busy with work commitments. I’m now trying to rebuild a garage after having asbestos siding removed and the WaywardWoman’s time is divided with other interests, not the least of which is Lucy, our new puppy, which I wrote about a few months ago in this blog.
Nevertheless, we are ensuring that our core project, reading books and reviewing them, remains on course for this website.
I received a new review late last night by Gigzymandias, alias Lachlan, who happens to be my eldest son. It was his first review for the website, although I don’t expect he will submit any more. He’s always been a great reader and he writes well, but reading books isn’t his thing. I live in hope.
As he explains in his review, his interest in Sun-Tzu’s The Art of War was piqued because of his interest in strategy for computer games. The old Chinese text has been pressed into the service of modern management theory, so why not computer games?